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I am not the biggest fan of my "fat face" right now. |
It's pretty amazing how fast this pregnancy went by and how now.....well it feels as if I am at a complete HALT. These weeks are dragging! I knew that they would as this is my third baby and the anticipation of holding my child gets worse. I am also having a little girl and I want to know that she is still in fact a she and to see what my little girls look like ha ha. Everything is going well and this pregnancy has been the BEST blessing ever and I am not sure if I am ready for it to be over or if I am willing to hang on until she is ready to come out if that makes sense.
I have been seriously blessed these past 37 weeks. I remember when my husband told me that he was on board to have our little baby and how we started trying right away. I remember being worried about our baby being ok during our anatomy scan because we had to go back because they missed a few things. I remember crying and being in disbelief that we actually made a little girl! I mean WE DID IT! God made my dream come true! (I must remember that when we go through our trials when she gets older). I stayed in control with my eating habits and exercised MOST of the pregnancy. It has been blissful. Yes, I am uncomfortable, YES I am tried of looking at my bathroom walls because it seems I am there more than anywhere else at this moment. This is what pregnancy is though. I am giving myself to my child while she grows and gets nourished by me. I would LOVE to run for miles again and see my skinny legs and muscular arms but I want my baby more. I want her to be healthy and have a wonderful start to this wonderful, crazy, fun thing called life. I choose to focus on the positives of this pregnancy before all else. :)
I used to be the one that hated being pregnant always wondering what the heck is all this that people talk about loving?!?! HA HA! I wasn't "doing it right" I didn't nurture myself I destructed myself and my body responded but still gave me beautifully healthy and wonderful babies! Thank you God for my wonderful blessings! So, enough of my babbling! Let's get on to the bumpdate.
I had my 38 week appointment today. Nothing great happened. LOL I refused to have my cervix checked because really what is it going to do? I am either going to be really excited and then bummed because no baby has come lol or really bummed that my body isn't "doing" what it is supposed to when in reality it is. It's keeping my baby safe and sound in the womb until she is ready :) SO I refused it. Next week though we will be getting it checked as it becomes protocol.
How Far Along: 37 weeks and 5 days.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I
am at 39 pounds depending on the day. I am pretty much at my max
pregnancy weight that I wanted to hit. I have been really watching what I have been eating so I think that really helped out a lot.
Food Aversions (and "no nos"): I have been slowly transitioning to Paleo that has been a challenge because I want to eat junk but 2 out of my 3 meals are Paleo and it's been pretty nice. I have been cheating already though as I know that in 2 weeks it will be strict nutrient dense diet to lose those pesky pounds.
Cravings: Sweet things.
How I Feel: Overall I felt pretty great in week 37. I only worked out 3 times this week so far so I can attribute that to the nesting I have been doing and the fact that once this week I had the dreaded pregnancy insomnia SO I was tired but actively cleaning and straightening things up around here. My husband and I pretty much arranged the whole house and we are liking the house more than we did when we moved in which is a blessing because we are stuck in our home for 2 more years. It's a great home but a split floor plan is NOT for us. All I can say is never again!
I have also been in more pain in the pelvic area and have to rest more often when I do move. Things are SLOW for me right now and it's a tad bit frustrating.
Maternity Clothes: Yup. I am pretty much wearing the same three outfits so laundry has increased to twice a week now so I can have something clean.
Movement: She likes to ninja kick my sides because that is where her legs are, I am not sure which is more painful the rib kicks my little one gave me or these side kicks she is giving me. She takes my breath away and my husband always thinks I am going into labor LOL. Maybe I shouldn't giggle so much about it because that's how it may happen one day!
Sleep: I am sleeping but feeling more tired and lazy as the days go by.
What I Miss: Running. Lifting weights and just being a strong individual that doesn't need help for everything that I do. It's really a pain to be so dependent on my husband and SO tired all the time. I want to have the energy to play with my son at the park and not have to just sit there. It's really frustrating for me.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Seeing
what this baby looks like. In the short term though we have a special
trip planned for our little to go on a 2 hour train ride! I am SO
excited it has taken EVERYTHING to keep my mouth shut about it!
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