I became a Beachbody Coach to help other people lose weight and to get fit. Of course that is what everyone who is a Coach will tell you, but there is always more to that isn't it? I know how hard it is to lose weight I tried all the fad diets that Dr. Oz talks about with the exception of those "crazy" cleanses. I just never relaly had an interest. I did the pill thing, the bar thing, the shake thing, the South Beach Diet thing and none of those really worked out for me. Why?? Because it never taught me what moderation was, it never taught me that to lose weight I had to EAT RIGHT? But what does that mean?? To eat from the 4 food groups to know that I was going to mess up but that I didn't need an extremeist all or nothing mentality about it.
I mean think about it for a second please............When you open one of these diet books you have to change everything and whether we like it or not food is our lives. We probably eat more and think about food more than maybe sleep and how we don't get enough of that either. This book that has the REVOLUTION on getting YOU skinny or in shape tells you to drop EVERYTHING that tastes good to you and clear out your whole entire pantry of everything because its WRONG and it'll make you FAT and will keep you the way you are. Well how is that for a confidence booster???
My whole take on Coaching is to get you to where you want to be by helping YOU transform into the person that YOU want to me. Not what anyone else tells you that you need to be. What YOU need to be for YOU! I want what is best for you by introducing new things to you and helping you create new habits when YOU are ready for them, not when I think that you are ready for them. There is the food and there is the exercise as well.
I used to be a personal trainer but I can't physically be there for everyone who wants my help or even thinks to give me a shot at helping them, and it's why I found Coaching to be the next best thing to having me there with you. Beachbody programs ARE the whole package and I want to break down to you why.
As a personal trainer I was able to charge $50 a 1 hour session. You would see me 1-3 times a week so let's make this that you want to see me three times a week for the first month and then twice a week for month 2&3.
$1400 is what that would cost you for 3 times a week and then 2.
$600 if you wanted to see me once a week for 3 months.
Sometimes you get deals at gyms where it's $99/month but then you are still talking $300 a month.
PLUS your gym membership which can be anywhere from $25-79/month
**$75-$237 for three months**
Grand total using the most expensive
$1637.00 for 3 months (high) first trainer example at $79/month gym free
$777.00 for 3 months (Meduim) $59/month with seeing me once a week
$375 for three months (Low) $99 trainer deal in addition to $25/month membership fee
**You buy your supplements on your own dime**
Beachbody programs are a deal because you can have a beginner, intermediate, and advanced workout with Shakeology for up to $140 - $180/month and you pay no more than that for the three months if you order one month of Shakeology.
Shakeology will cost you $119 additional per month and $89 if you sign up for a discount (after the first month)
With Beachbody programs
you get the trainer, you learn proper form,
you can do it at your own time, and
your home is your gym so your membership fees are FREE.
In addition to all of that you get put into a challenge group and you get a coach and hopefully you will get lucky and find one like me who actually cares about how you are doing and will go off the deep end to ensure that you get the most for your money because even though Beachbody programs are cheaper than hiring and trainer and paying a gym membership it is a lot of money to just hand off.
Don't get me wrong you have to put in the work but I go out of my way to make sure you are meeting all of your goals and if not finding a way to better help you out.
I know that there are some people that love the gym and do the "gym rat" thing. I do it too, I have moments where being in the gym enviornment fuels me and makes me work out that much harder and I love the atmosphere that is there. I also love the fact that I can workout at home and not have to travel to the gym when it is cold outside or I just wanna workout in my pajamas......YES I do it when I get up at 5AM. One thing isn't going to work for everyone but at the same time if cost is keeping you from getting a Beachbody program maybe you want to re-think it a little bit and maybe I have put things into perspective for you.
IF throwing a whole $140 and up is what is scaring you save the $$ for a few months like I did when I started out. Now that I am a coach I get my 25% discount and it has paid me back ten-fold in being able to afford more of the workouts that I love. I thought about buying P90X for 3 months before I actually went for it so trust me I understand especially if you don't know anyone that has done it because I too thought the commericals were bogus.
I love Beachbody and what it has done for my life but I am not going to sit on a pedestal and tell you that I just LOVED it as soon as I saw it HA nope!!!!! I was skeptical about Shakeology and thought it was just another gimmick and was seriously going to return it after I had a few shakes because I "KNEW" that it was going to be the same as every other shake out there, now I am hooked. I just took the plunge and went for it and hopefully this puts things into perspecitve to do something too :)
Have a wonderful Friday Eve!!!!!!!
March 7, 2013
What's the value???
personal training,
why is it so expensive
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