Well I have been at this Paleo "thing" for awhile now and I have had some serious mis-steps like eating gluten yesterday because I did not prepare any food at a meeting that I went to. I now know that I am gluten sensitive for SURE. I was bloated, I got a super mega headache from hell, I was very very lethargic, and I just didn't want to do anything but sleep. I went to my bible study yawning and it is not really normal for the person that I have been. What did I eat? Oh ya know pasta and one hella good chocolate chip cookie and 3 mini eclairs. I am totally the kind of person that is like well if I already messed up might as well top it off ha ha. That is NOT the mentality to have trust me because I felt like garbage afterwards and SO guilty it wasn't even worth it!
It takes 2 weeks to get gluten out of your body so basically I have to start over......super fail right? To a degree yes, but I learned something that I am intolerant to gluten and I was able to FEEL what food actually did to me. I know salt from processed food is killer on my weight and makes me gain at least 3 pounds in one sitting. That's terrible if you asked me! I am coming to a point where if my clothes fit I am fine though I don't really weigh myself until things start fitting me "not right" and I am typically right about my being heavier. Anyway back to the Paleo
I have found that through this process I have been more creative in the kitchen but I still make a lot of mistakes in regards to this new lifestyle and the choices that I make outside of my home. I think the grace period of trying it out is over and I have to decide if this is what I am going to do or not. Mostly for my sanity and I know that the answer is yes I am going to stick with it. I felt (before yesterday) that I was at my optimal health. I have made a few recipes on my own which I am super stoked about and I feel that I have dipped my toes in the water long enough to say that this is the way that I want to go and what solidified that for me the way BLOAT that I am carrying today and how I ballooned so bad that I had to unbutton my pants which is something I have not done in a very long time.
Next week I am going to start the Whole 30.
It is a "program" that helps you get your nutrition on track and help heal you from the inside out. I was going to start on October 1 and that makes a lot of sense to me but the sooner I do this and go through with it the better it will be for my sanity. Just be determined and get it done right? If you are interested in doing it let me know in the comments and I can hook you up with everything that you need to do it! I would be so excited to have some buddies around.
September 12, 2013
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