This weekend I did go a little bit too far with lollipops (my guilty pleasure) and i had to throw them away because I couldn't stop eating them. I do keep things that I cannot eat out of the house because my health is more important but it did take me three years to get to where I am with my diet and it's not just for my health health it is for my peace of mind which I will touch on more later as well.
Insanity Max 30: Week 1 Meals
Day 1: Shakeology
3 eggs with broccoli and some plantain chips
Banana for a snack with some green tea
Salad with romaine cucumber and chicken with oil and apple
cider vinegar dressing.
Chicken wings with zuchinni
Day 2: Shakeology
Brocoli eggs and strawberry and banana
Chicken with tomato sauce, potato, salad with kale green
pepper red pepper, yellow pepper, romaine cider vinegar and oil dressing
Enjoy Life bar
Steak with the same left over salad
Day 3 Shakeology
Chicken and Broccoli strawberry and banana
Chicken and zuchinni
Enjoy life bar
Avocado with plantain chips
Dijon pork tenderloin with potato and asparagus
2 cups popcorn (monthly moment!)
Day 4Meal 1 Shakeology
Meal 2: 2 eggs with zuchinni
Meal 3: strawberry and banana
Meal 4: pork tenderloin with broccoli and ½ avocado
Meal 5: Roast beef with asparagus
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