I can tell you that the Ultimate Reset is a challenge. For me it was more mental and emotional than anything. The food was a bit of a challenge but my palette like vegetables and it was a pretty easy transition considering that I wanted to use this to transition to be a vegetarian. Oh how things change huh? I really miss chicken ha ha. I do stand firm on my decision to keep beef and pork out of my diet because of the movie Vegucated. It really hit a nerve with me.
So I am glad that detox week is over because it has been the biggest hurdle for me, I did not fancy the menu for the week and stuck pretty much to quinoa and vegetables but overall mentally it was challenging because I gave up control over my entire being for this program and it was harder than I thought. I am doing everything the way that they want me to do it and while it has been eye opening it has taken a toll on me and stressed me out as well.
SO what did I realize?
* I need to keep going with my dreams....the ones that I made for myself when I started when I got in the USCG.
* I eat very well and better than I thought that I did which is why I started.
* Being a vegetarian is something that I don't want right now I need more assimilation time because it is really different for me and I was not ready for what that encompassed but like I said beef and pork are out.
* I am stronger than I thought that I was and even though I cheated a few times to feel more like myself I was actually able to stick to something and see it through.
I was feeling a bit bad because I had not completed a workout program in awhile but I realized that doesn't matter and when I commit to something I truly do commit to it even though I may stumble.
* I know what workout program I want to do and I am going to get it done! BBL and Body Beast here I come! I love that Body Beast workouts are 40 minutes and BBL too!!! FINALLY I figured it out! LOL
That is pretty much all I have learned through this week but I feel that it is alot. There is more to come about all of this but I figured I would keep this to the Reset for the week :) I am so excited that I have a week left lol
Tomorrow I will be taking a probiotic 3 times a day and I think that I will continue to purchase those since they are a reasonable price on Beachbody 27 bucks for 30 days. I have also started taking Omega-3's for healthy fats, I don't feel anything different but I like to supplement with them :) Anyway that is all for today! I hope that you are all having a great day!!!! If you have any questions please feel free to ask :)
April 30, 2013
Ultimate Reset 11 - 13
Ultimate Reset......
I feel kind of bad because I don't have any real updates, this has been a part of my life for the past 13 days and I can say that I am accustomed to it already lol. I did change the eating plan and refused to eat another salad so I made quinoa pilaf for Friday night dinner and for lunch Saturday and Sunday and I ate it for dinner as well so it was pretty blah. I can tell you that I am over giving my control to this program and I am ready to eat what I want to eat. I have been craving healthy foods except popcorn and Sour Patch Kids but I think that it is because I can't have it, not because I really want it.
I have been reading other blogs and I really want to eat all the healthy foods that they post again because I can't have them on a normal day I would maybe do one recipe/week or month if it looks that good. I have also increased my meals. I was TOO hungry and just added more vegetables to whatever I was eating because all weekend I ate 2 apples for a snack when I was only supposed to have 1......OOPSIE! Not really I don't feel guilty about it at all. I was hungry and I fed my body, I want this to be a pleasurable experience and being hungry was not an option. This wasn't something that was me being dehydrated trust me I drink my gallon a day. I was truly hungry to the point where I had hunger pains. I kept everything within the plan I just ate more so I don't feel bad about it at all. :) One set way is not right for everybody because every person is different. This was MY reset experience and call it what you will but I have no regrets for fueling my body at all.
******CONFESSION: I WORKED OUT 25 minutes and it was not yoga*******
I felt great and don't regret that either because I was on a HUGE verge of blowing up for no reason. It was not like my PT test of a workout it was more of a functional workout called Buti a mix of yoga and plyo. Man was it nice to sweat. I did my 25 and I was GOOD to go my mind was right and I was in the best mood of my life that day!
That's really all I have just a rant and a tattle on myself LOL TOMORROW I finish week 2!!!! WOOT WOOT! I will post my stats on Thursday because I have duty and will not have access to my scale but I will do my measurements on Wed morning :)
I think I have decided that I am going to actually do either Body Beast or Insanity I just haven't made up my mind yet :) I have 1 more week to decide. What do you think?
April 26, 2013
Ultimate Reset Day 10
What a whirlwind of a day! I woke up feeling a lot better than yesterday. I was positive and ready to start the day off right. So we make it to work and it is base clean up day! YAY I pick up trash to get a half a day of work, I would say that it is a win win! So I go out and pick up the trash and I end up walking for about 45-50 minutes total and before I even start the thang I am HUNGRY as HECK! I mean like so hungry it felt like i had not eaten all day, then from there it kinda went down hill.
I went and picked up the trash hungry of course and I eventually forget about it and just start babbling away and make it back to the office at 10:30 take my supplements and eat at 11. 30 minutes earlier than I usually so because I was just that hungry. :) I pick up y son from daycare and we headed home and I got SO drowsy! I mean I felt like I had taken a Benadryl! I mean it was bad, so my mood goes a bit South because I am just pooped! I come home seriously ready to hit the sack! So I just laid in bed all day watching Parenthood on Netflix. Eventually my energy comes back and I am still in a sour mood. So I take my supplements again and I decide that maybe I need to eat more so instead of one apple I ate two and had a bit of extra peanut butter which I am not really supposed to have in this phase but I WANT TO FEEL NORMAL! So I eat it anyway. This is my reset and that is how I want to do things :) Then I just start falling down the slipper slope of negativity.
I am a very very positive person. I love the be happy and I am the encouraging one out of all my friends and I HATE when people complain all the time but I am finding myself doing the same thing lately! "I want to be normal" "I wish I could have chicken" "I don't even know WHY I am doing this anymore!" I mean this isn't me at all. I am my very own cheerleader but this was something WAY deeper. Mind you I come to the conclusion of what all is happening while I am sitting in themiddle of the Burger King parking lot waiting for my husband and child to get back in the car.
This is getting TOUGH and I was not prepared to be dealing with this quitting thing in week 2! I was prepared for it to happen in week 1! When the tough got going I usually always quit and I have done that a lot lately because I don't have a real goal that I want to achieve or an event that I want to go to or something like that to keep me on my game. I am happy where I am and I am in a place where I need to challenge myself and now I know that this is the most perfect thing that I can do. The Ultimate Reset is TOUGH you have to be mentally prepared for it and I would NOT recommend this to anyone who is on the fence about losing weight or getting on the healthy train. SERIOUSLY I am a coach and it is my job to be able to tell you when something is good or bad. It took me a YEAR to be prepared to take the plunge on this thing and part of it was financial and part of it was the "need" to do it. Here I am on the verge of crying because I want chicken LOL Pathetic. but I am glad that I had these feelings and I have been able to work through them and get to the root of my problem, the other part has to do with the fact that my husband and child are eating everything that I can't in my face. I have to remain strong all by myself over here, there is no one on the train with me lol and that in itself is hard. Anyway, that is how I have been feeling for the past two days!
Here is a picture of what I ate today and my dinner. I just mixed the broccoli that was supposed to be a side with my pilaf and added Braggs Liquid Aminos and sesame oil to my dinner to make it Asian like so I could feel NORMAL lol.
I went and picked up the trash hungry of course and I eventually forget about it and just start babbling away and make it back to the office at 10:30 take my supplements and eat at 11. 30 minutes earlier than I usually so because I was just that hungry. :) I pick up y son from daycare and we headed home and I got SO drowsy! I mean I felt like I had taken a Benadryl! I mean it was bad, so my mood goes a bit South because I am just pooped! I come home seriously ready to hit the sack! So I just laid in bed all day watching Parenthood on Netflix. Eventually my energy comes back and I am still in a sour mood. So I take my supplements again and I decide that maybe I need to eat more so instead of one apple I ate two and had a bit of extra peanut butter which I am not really supposed to have in this phase but I WANT TO FEEL NORMAL! So I eat it anyway. This is my reset and that is how I want to do things :) Then I just start falling down the slipper slope of negativity.
I am a very very positive person. I love the be happy and I am the encouraging one out of all my friends and I HATE when people complain all the time but I am finding myself doing the same thing lately! "I want to be normal" "I wish I could have chicken" "I don't even know WHY I am doing this anymore!" I mean this isn't me at all. I am my very own cheerleader but this was something WAY deeper. Mind you I come to the conclusion of what all is happening while I am sitting in themiddle of the Burger King parking lot waiting for my husband and child to get back in the car.
This is getting TOUGH and I was not prepared to be dealing with this quitting thing in week 2! I was prepared for it to happen in week 1! When the tough got going I usually always quit and I have done that a lot lately because I don't have a real goal that I want to achieve or an event that I want to go to or something like that to keep me on my game. I am happy where I am and I am in a place where I need to challenge myself and now I know that this is the most perfect thing that I can do. The Ultimate Reset is TOUGH you have to be mentally prepared for it and I would NOT recommend this to anyone who is on the fence about losing weight or getting on the healthy train. SERIOUSLY I am a coach and it is my job to be able to tell you when something is good or bad. It took me a YEAR to be prepared to take the plunge on this thing and part of it was financial and part of it was the "need" to do it. Here I am on the verge of crying because I want chicken LOL Pathetic. but I am glad that I had these feelings and I have been able to work through them and get to the root of my problem, the other part has to do with the fact that my husband and child are eating everything that I can't in my face. I have to remain strong all by myself over here, there is no one on the train with me lol and that in itself is hard. Anyway, that is how I have been feeling for the past two days!
Here is a picture of what I ate today and my dinner. I just mixed the broccoli that was supposed to be a side with my pilaf and added Braggs Liquid Aminos and sesame oil to my dinner to make it Asian like so I could feel NORMAL lol.
clean eating,
eat clean,
ultimate reset,
ultimate reset blog
April 25, 2013
Day 8 & 9 Ultimate Reset
Well I can say that I believe that the reset is MAGIC and I love almost everything about it. Today was a really hard day for me, I really wanted to eat normal food and I felt like a bit of an outcast today and I literally have had ENOUGH with the salads already and wish they would re-vamp their lunch menu.
While I do understand that it is easier and more convenient to make it is really really LAME. I am all about being brutally honest and even though I am a coach and I love Beachbody products overall I really have to stay real on this blog. I will continue to as well. I really miss eating like a "normal person" and no-bake energy balls are my current NEED right now. ha ha Who would have thought that overall. It's all good I am glad that healthy is what I am craving.
Before I go through all my stats of the first week. I wanted to take a minute to explain this week. I am in what is called the Release phase of the Reset now. I take a Detox supplement and now my diet has NO meat in it at all and the grains are VERY limited. Yesterday it made my lower tummy feel funny but I guess it was because I introduced something new but it's cool it passed after a little bit and it wasn't pain it just felt weird. That's all I can really explain. The detox phase does not have you running to the bathroom and I have not noticed a real big difference in the bathroom if you know what I mean. :) I keep forgetting to take pictures of my food but really I am eating the same breakfast and lunch every day a bowl of fruit and then a salad for lunch. I will try to be more mindful of taking pictures of my food for you all to see.
On to the stats......... I forgot my measurements at work in my other notebook but I lost 6 inches overall and here we go!
I can truly say that I am happy with the results and even though I am SICK and TIRED of the microgreen salad and I will not eat a salad for lunch for awhile in the future I am glad that I am going through this journey and I am SO happy that I made the investment in this product because it is changing me from the inside out! My mood is so much better, I am sleeping better, and I am a more patient person, I am more focused on the things that I need to do and I am less stressed.
It has been nice to take a break from the workouts but I can feel that I am still strong and will be just fine once I am all done with the Reset.
If you want to see more of what the Ultimate Reset is about check out this video!
If you are interested in purchasing the reset you can order it here.
Until next time!!!!
While I do understand that it is easier and more convenient to make it is really really LAME. I am all about being brutally honest and even though I am a coach and I love Beachbody products overall I really have to stay real on this blog. I will continue to as well. I really miss eating like a "normal person" and no-bake energy balls are my current NEED right now. ha ha Who would have thought that overall. It's all good I am glad that healthy is what I am craving.
Before I go through all my stats of the first week. I wanted to take a minute to explain this week. I am in what is called the Release phase of the Reset now. I take a Detox supplement and now my diet has NO meat in it at all and the grains are VERY limited. Yesterday it made my lower tummy feel funny but I guess it was because I introduced something new but it's cool it passed after a little bit and it wasn't pain it just felt weird. That's all I can really explain. The detox phase does not have you running to the bathroom and I have not noticed a real big difference in the bathroom if you know what I mean. :) I keep forgetting to take pictures of my food but really I am eating the same breakfast and lunch every day a bowl of fruit and then a salad for lunch. I will try to be more mindful of taking pictures of my food for you all to see.
On to the stats......... I forgot my measurements at work in my other notebook but I lost 6 inches overall and here we go!
6.4 pounds lost! |
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More definition for sure! |
It has been nice to take a break from the workouts but I can feel that I am still strong and will be just fine once I am all done with the Reset.
If you want to see more of what the Ultimate Reset is about check out this video!
Until next time!!!!
clean eating,
ultimate reset,
ultimate reset blog,
April 23, 2013
Day 7 Ultimate Reset
Today was a pretty overall normal day. I have fallen into the routine of the reset and it just feels normal to me. I can say that I am getting a bit bored with the microgreen salads and the are less appealing as they once were because it seems that is all we eat for lunch unless it is a leftover of some sort. It is what it is, I can tell you that my salads will be less in the future or I will be making my own dressing to accompany the salad.
I feel as if I have deflated when I look in the mirror so I can't wait to step on the scale and measure myself to see where I am tomorrow morning.
Overall my mood has been good, I have been less scatterbrained and more focused on the things that I need and want to do. Through this whole reset I have been thinking about myself and what I can change and I can say that I multi-task way too much and I need to stay focused on one thing. That is one thing that I am going to start training myself with. I feel as if I will get more done and be more productive. I know that it sounds silly but I get lost in some of the things I am doing like FB or I do too many things and leave a ton undone so that I can do more things because my task list is soooo long. I need to find balance with all that I do because my life can be overwhelming sometimes LOL.
This week I learned that I wasn't eating many good quality foods and I am going to keep most of the recipes in week one in my normal dietary rotation. I enjoyed the foods, my aches and pains were minimal and the supplement regime wasn't hard to adjust to at all. So we shall see what tomorrow brings! Pictures and updated stats will follow! I am so excited to see how this has changed my body! I can see the results and I am super happy about that!
Until tomorrow!
I feel as if I have deflated when I look in the mirror so I can't wait to step on the scale and measure myself to see where I am tomorrow morning.
Overall my mood has been good, I have been less scatterbrained and more focused on the things that I need and want to do. Through this whole reset I have been thinking about myself and what I can change and I can say that I multi-task way too much and I need to stay focused on one thing. That is one thing that I am going to start training myself with. I feel as if I will get more done and be more productive. I know that it sounds silly but I get lost in some of the things I am doing like FB or I do too many things and leave a ton undone so that I can do more things because my task list is soooo long. I need to find balance with all that I do because my life can be overwhelming sometimes LOL.
This week I learned that I wasn't eating many good quality foods and I am going to keep most of the recipes in week one in my normal dietary rotation. I enjoyed the foods, my aches and pains were minimal and the supplement regime wasn't hard to adjust to at all. So we shall see what tomorrow brings! Pictures and updated stats will follow! I am so excited to see how this has changed my body! I can see the results and I am super happy about that!
Until tomorrow!
April 22, 2013
Ultimate Reset Day 6
Today was a pretty eventful day! It was full of frazzle brain craziness. I woke up and felt great I still have that pain in my back but it is going away.
Baked tempeh.......it was really really dry. I used other peoples suggestion and marinated it overnight and the taste was great but wow my mouth was like the Sahara Desert LOL wow I broke the rules and I drank water with my breakfast. FYI you are not supposed to drink water with your meals because it disrupts the persons dogestive juices and messes with digestion. Anyway it was pretty okay I just didn't really like that it was dry. I have another try tomorrow at it so we shall see.
I totally worked out today.......You are not supposed to workout on the Reset BUT I am in the military and I had to do my PT test. I tried to schedule it before the Reset and no one was able to do it for me for me until today. But I did a great job on it despite feeling tired through out the whole thing. I ran 1.5 miles in 12:20, 40 push-ups, and 82 sit-ups. I felt SOOOO tired for the rest of the day and can totally understand why they say not to workout.
Second bust of the day I forgot my quinoa salad and at WAYYYYY late I had breakfast at 6:20 and lunch at 1:15 craaaazy, but I had to do what I had to do and it is what it is and I can say that I am glad that today is over lol
Dinner was rather interesting to. I ate beets for the first time, I am not really that much of a fan but at the same time it was sweet so it cured my sweet cravings. :) I thought I was going to love this meal because so many people have spoken so highly of it but eh it was ok. I would make it again just not really have it in the regular rotation. There was also a zucchini cashew soup....eh I wasn't a fan of that one it tasted like cashews, it makes me think that I did something wrong but I didn't lol.
I ended up waiting so long for lunch because of my workout and it spiked my metabolism and because I forgot 1/2 my lunch I was famished and totally ready for snack and I felt really low and hungry just really icky and I can tell you that I will never do that again with the way I felt after the workout it totally solidified the fact that I was still cleansing and will be and it is my time more than ever take a break and enjoy the rest of this process.
So, needless to say today was not the best day on the reset but I managed to get through it, eat all my meals and be okay. I am pooped but I will be okay tomorrow is another day and this day that happened was just life! I can't wait to weigh in! I feel lighter and more alert and I know that the scale isn't everything but the whole circle of the measurements, pictures, and the weight will all be great! I can see the changes all around!
Baked tempeh.......it was really really dry. I used other peoples suggestion and marinated it overnight and the taste was great but wow my mouth was like the Sahara Desert LOL wow I broke the rules and I drank water with my breakfast. FYI you are not supposed to drink water with your meals because it disrupts the persons dogestive juices and messes with digestion. Anyway it was pretty okay I just didn't really like that it was dry. I have another try tomorrow at it so we shall see.
I totally worked out today.......You are not supposed to workout on the Reset BUT I am in the military and I had to do my PT test. I tried to schedule it before the Reset and no one was able to do it for me for me until today. But I did a great job on it despite feeling tired through out the whole thing. I ran 1.5 miles in 12:20, 40 push-ups, and 82 sit-ups. I felt SOOOO tired for the rest of the day and can totally understand why they say not to workout.
Second bust of the day I forgot my quinoa salad and at WAYYYYY late I had breakfast at 6:20 and lunch at 1:15 craaaazy, but I had to do what I had to do and it is what it is and I can say that I am glad that today is over lol
Dinner was rather interesting to. I ate beets for the first time, I am not really that much of a fan but at the same time it was sweet so it cured my sweet cravings. :) I thought I was going to love this meal because so many people have spoken so highly of it but eh it was ok. I would make it again just not really have it in the regular rotation. There was also a zucchini cashew soup....eh I wasn't a fan of that one it tasted like cashews, it makes me think that I did something wrong but I didn't lol.
I ended up waiting so long for lunch because of my workout and it spiked my metabolism and because I forgot 1/2 my lunch I was famished and totally ready for snack and I felt really low and hungry just really icky and I can tell you that I will never do that again with the way I felt after the workout it totally solidified the fact that I was still cleansing and will be and it is my time more than ever take a break and enjoy the rest of this process.
So, needless to say today was not the best day on the reset but I managed to get through it, eat all my meals and be okay. I am pooped but I will be okay tomorrow is another day and this day that happened was just life! I can't wait to weigh in! I feel lighter and more alert and I know that the scale isn't everything but the whole circle of the measurements, pictures, and the weight will all be great! I can see the changes all around!
Yoga moves for the Ultimate Reset that I use!
So I found these on Pinterest and since I am becoming a little bit of a Yogi I figured that I would pass some great information to you if you aren't really interested in buying a yoga DVD :) Enjoy!!!!!
yoga poses
April 21, 2013
Ultimate Reset Day 5
Day 5 is almost done. I can say that this has been the most eh of the meal plan all week. Everything looks pretty bland but breakfast and lunch were good and satisfying and for a snack I had edamame. So, on the reset you are able to swap your breakfasts for breakfasts and so on so I switched my breakfast this morning for some seasonal fruit, for lunch I had what was on the menu and for dinner I am doing the same thing. I really like that flexibility because I am not a fan of sushi and I am not a fan of farina and I know them both for a fact and to have a great experience I didn't even both making those two dishes. I fell in love with the coconut quinoa that I just kept eating it because I enjoyed it and I wanted to use the coconut milk that I bought.
TIP: I spent $145 on food and I didn't even use all of the food that I bought so I suggest either doubling up on recipes that you think you will enjoy and forget the rest and save some cash. That is what I am going to do for week two to try and save some $$.
I woke up at 6:00 refreshed and ready to start my day, I wanted to stay in bed as always but the kiddo didn't let us but it gave us a head start to getting ready for church which isn't such a bad thing especially when all you really want to do is be lazy. I got really hungry at church and I blame that on the lack of water but I had already drank a ton or so I thought but I made it home and to my meal in no time, as you can see above it doesn't take that long to make :)
I have not had meat in 2 days and I can honestly tell you that I don't really miss it other than chicken wings....I don't understand my obsession about it is but I really really like chicken wings LOL.
So despite trying to relax on this wonderful Sunday, I still had to paint my sons room, the room was a really really dark brown looking color and trying to put yellow on top of it was worse than white I tell ya. So I had to go back to the store get more paint did a bit of shopping for myself and got back to it. It is now 6:30 and I have no idea where my day has gone so needless to say yoga tonight is probably not going to happen since I have to get dinner ready for the family get showers and probably hit the sack.
Well, off to go cook dinner for the family....maybe I'll try to get a half hour of yoga in before showering.....we shall see! Until tomorrow!
If you have any questions about the reset please feel free to ask me
jeannettealverio(at)yahoo(dot)com :)
Day 5 is almost done. I can say that this has been the most eh of the meal plan all week. Everything looks pretty bland but breakfast and lunch were good and satisfying and for a snack I had edamame. So, on the reset you are able to swap your breakfasts for breakfasts and so on so I switched my breakfast this morning for some seasonal fruit, for lunch I had what was on the menu and for dinner I am doing the same thing. I really like that flexibility because I am not a fan of sushi and I am not a fan of farina and I know them both for a fact and to have a great experience I didn't even both making those two dishes. I fell in love with the coconut quinoa that I just kept eating it because I enjoyed it and I wanted to use the coconut milk that I bought.
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Lunch Day 5 |
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Dinner Day 4 |
TIP: I spent $145 on food and I didn't even use all of the food that I bought so I suggest either doubling up on recipes that you think you will enjoy and forget the rest and save some cash. That is what I am going to do for week two to try and save some $$.
I woke up at 6:00 refreshed and ready to start my day, I wanted to stay in bed as always but the kiddo didn't let us but it gave us a head start to getting ready for church which isn't such a bad thing especially when all you really want to do is be lazy. I got really hungry at church and I blame that on the lack of water but I had already drank a ton or so I thought but I made it home and to my meal in no time, as you can see above it doesn't take that long to make :)
I have not had meat in 2 days and I can honestly tell you that I don't really miss it other than chicken wings....I don't understand my obsession about it is but I really really like chicken wings LOL.
So despite trying to relax on this wonderful Sunday, I still had to paint my sons room, the room was a really really dark brown looking color and trying to put yellow on top of it was worse than white I tell ya. So I had to go back to the store get more paint did a bit of shopping for myself and got back to it. It is now 6:30 and I have no idea where my day has gone so needless to say yoga tonight is probably not going to happen since I have to get dinner ready for the family get showers and probably hit the sack.
Well, off to go cook dinner for the family....maybe I'll try to get a half hour of yoga in before showering.....we shall see! Until tomorrow!
If you have any questions about the reset please feel free to ask me
jeannettealverio(at)yahoo(dot)com :)
Ultimate Reset Coconut Quinoa
Here is my favorite recipe on the reset! I will be posting more through out my journey so that you have an idea of what it is that us resetters are eating! If you are interested just shoot me an email and I will get back to you!!!
3/4 c quinoa cooked (warmed)
2 tbs coconut milk (warmed)
1 tbs walnuts
1 tsp maple syrup
1/4 c pineapple
Mix it all together and enjoy!!!!!
3/4 c quinoa cooked (warmed)
2 tbs coconut milk (warmed)
1 tbs walnuts
1 tsp maple syrup
1/4 c pineapple
Mix it all together and enjoy!!!!!
April 20, 2013
Ultimate Reset Day 4
WOWZA! What a day!!!!! I woke up feeling great once again! I slept from 10:00-6:45 I didn't want to get out of bed because I wasn't ready buy my kiddo sure thought it was time for everyone in the house to be alert and alive!
For the past two days I have been feeling really happy! Smiling for no reason, being really affectionate with my husband but in the same I am llike Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde because I can't really be bothered with. Everything has to come from me or I get really irritates really fast which is soooo crazy . I mean I get mad!!!! I just breathe it out and let it go. So mood wise 9/10 I am in a delicious mood, I just can't be asked too many questions or my kiddo can't be repeating himself all the time like he does. I just go to the bathroom and pretend I have to go potty and relax :)
My body is ACHING!!!! My lower back is a MOTHER! Oh it hurts so bad, and my legs have felt like they need to be stretched so I threw in one of my yoga DVD's
and after that hour it seemed like the tension exploded out of me. I was feeling energetic today so I painted my kids room and I caused my lower back to go in even more pain (Jeannette you are a moron). I was thinking to myself you are trying to get all the toxic stuff out and you are smelling it dummy! In my defense......not that I have much of one I have been trying to paint his room for months now and today was just the day. I am sure that I will get the toxins out eventually and I will NOT be painting again. I have to finish the project but I will either get my hubs to do it or I will do it after the reset :) I will really be doing yoga again.
I am super bloated and there is nothing that I can do to get rid of it, it might just be the fact that I am detoxing. I'm not too worried about it because the results that people have are my motivation that this is going to work out just fine and I hear that the first week is always the pits so I am going to wait until this week. I have NOT weight myself, I have walked by my scale a few times today and darn it I wanted to get on it but I don't want to ruin it either.
Here are some pictures of my meals that I remember to take today it's just my Greek Salad that I had and my Alkanize supplement that I have to take.
The food is really good and filling and I am enjoying it A LOT! I am really enjoying the journey even with all the aches and pains......this is my first time going through this process and while there are some discomforts it is more about getting to know my body for what it can do without deprivation. There have been times when I double check my recipes because it has me eating so much lol. Here is a sample of my Week 1 supplement and eating schedule
6:45 AM - Optimize supplement with 20 shakes of mineralize in water
wait 30 min
7:15 -Breakfast - coconut quinoa
wait at least 2 hours for me it is about 4-5
12:00 - Take Optimize and 20 shakes of mineralize water
Wait 30 minutes
12:30 - Greek Salad with Greek dressing lentil lime salad
Wait 2 hours
4:00 - Alkanize with mineralize water
4:30 - Quinoa with 1/3 avocado
Wait at least 2 hours
7:00 - Soothe and Optimize supplement with mineralize water
7:30 - Vegetable stir fry with peppers, broccoli, zuchinni, carrots with quinoa and cucumber tomato salad
For the past two days I have been feeling really happy! Smiling for no reason, being really affectionate with my husband but in the same I am llike Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde because I can't really be bothered with. Everything has to come from me or I get really irritates really fast which is soooo crazy . I mean I get mad!!!! I just breathe it out and let it go. So mood wise 9/10 I am in a delicious mood, I just can't be asked too many questions or my kiddo can't be repeating himself all the time like he does. I just go to the bathroom and pretend I have to go potty and relax :)
My body is ACHING!!!! My lower back is a MOTHER! Oh it hurts so bad, and my legs have felt like they need to be stretched so I threw in one of my yoga DVD's

I am super bloated and there is nothing that I can do to get rid of it, it might just be the fact that I am detoxing. I'm not too worried about it because the results that people have are my motivation that this is going to work out just fine and I hear that the first week is always the pits so I am going to wait until this week. I have NOT weight myself, I have walked by my scale a few times today and darn it I wanted to get on it but I don't want to ruin it either.
Here are some pictures of my meals that I remember to take today it's just my Greek Salad that I had and my Alkanize supplement that I have to take.
The food is really good and filling and I am enjoying it A LOT! I am really enjoying the journey even with all the aches and pains......this is my first time going through this process and while there are some discomforts it is more about getting to know my body for what it can do without deprivation. There have been times when I double check my recipes because it has me eating so much lol. Here is a sample of my Week 1 supplement and eating schedule
6:45 AM - Optimize supplement with 20 shakes of mineralize in water
wait 30 min
7:15 -Breakfast - coconut quinoa
wait at least 2 hours for me it is about 4-5
12:00 - Take Optimize and 20 shakes of mineralize water
Wait 30 minutes
12:30 - Greek Salad with Greek dressing lentil lime salad
Wait 2 hours
4:00 - Alkanize with mineralize water
4:30 - Quinoa with 1/3 avocado
Wait at least 2 hours
7:00 - Soothe and Optimize supplement with mineralize water
7:30 - Vegetable stir fry with peppers, broccoli, zuchinni, carrots with quinoa and cucumber tomato salad
Bombshell Dynasty,
clean eating,
ultimate reset,
ultimate reset blog,
April 19, 2013
Ultimate Reset D3
Ultimate Reset day 3
Today was pretty uneventful. I wasn't able to sleep well, my son came in our room and he as a cold so that set off the evening cough attack which kept scaring me awake so I was groggy when I woke up this morning, everything was good, I ate my coconut quinoa again because I didn't have the time for the kale to cook and I am not really a veggie in the morning person unless it is to put peppers and onions in my eggs. For lunch I had a microgreen salad with a lentil lime salad and pumpkin seeds which was eh ok......the dressing is what is killing me lol and I had the southwestern tacos again tonight for dinner because I had a double batch of rice and needed to use it. Today was "sushi" day and I am NOT a fan of sushi so I just skipped the meal. You can skip the meal and replace it with another dinner in the week. This is the only one I will be changing up and tomorrows lunch has the sushi in it too so I am having a Greek salad minus the chicken this time with the rest of the lentil lime salad that I had left over.
The supplements are easy to take and really easy to remember so it's not rocket science like some other cleanses that I have seen that have so much going on you just don't know what to do with yourself lol. Here is a picture of what it looks like.
I went out after work to run errands and I felt really tired today. I could barley carry my bag or my son to get out of the rain. He is very old enough to walk but to "hurry" I tried to carry him and it was NOT working. Even though I feel fine at a rested state doing too much makes me feel really fatigued. I guess that was the side effect for the day. The same thing happened when I carried him to school this morning it was the weirdest thing. I was also pretty cranky this afternoon but it was more of my hubbies attitude with me that rubbed me the wrong way more than me feeling cranky. I am just leaving that one alone....not worth it. LOL
Well if you are interested in the reset and need some more information on it you can email me at jeannettealverio(at)yahoo(dot)com and I will be more than willing to answer any of your questions. I figured I would give you (and myself) some motivational pictures so that you can also see where people ended up at their 21 day mark!
How awesome are those results! Love them!
Today was pretty uneventful. I wasn't able to sleep well, my son came in our room and he as a cold so that set off the evening cough attack which kept scaring me awake so I was groggy when I woke up this morning, everything was good, I ate my coconut quinoa again because I didn't have the time for the kale to cook and I am not really a veggie in the morning person unless it is to put peppers and onions in my eggs. For lunch I had a microgreen salad with a lentil lime salad and pumpkin seeds which was eh ok......the dressing is what is killing me lol and I had the southwestern tacos again tonight for dinner because I had a double batch of rice and needed to use it. Today was "sushi" day and I am NOT a fan of sushi so I just skipped the meal. You can skip the meal and replace it with another dinner in the week. This is the only one I will be changing up and tomorrows lunch has the sushi in it too so I am having a Greek salad minus the chicken this time with the rest of the lentil lime salad that I had left over.
The supplements are easy to take and really easy to remember so it's not rocket science like some other cleanses that I have seen that have so much going on you just don't know what to do with yourself lol. Here is a picture of what it looks like.
I went out after work to run errands and I felt really tired today. I could barley carry my bag or my son to get out of the rain. He is very old enough to walk but to "hurry" I tried to carry him and it was NOT working. Even though I feel fine at a rested state doing too much makes me feel really fatigued. I guess that was the side effect for the day. The same thing happened when I carried him to school this morning it was the weirdest thing. I was also pretty cranky this afternoon but it was more of my hubbies attitude with me that rubbed me the wrong way more than me feeling cranky. I am just leaving that one alone....not worth it. LOL
Well if you are interested in the reset and need some more information on it you can email me at jeannettealverio(at)yahoo(dot)com and I will be more than willing to answer any of your questions. I figured I would give you (and myself) some motivational pictures so that you can also see where people ended up at their 21 day mark!
How awesome are those results! Love them!
April 18, 2013
Ultimate Reset Day 2
Ultimate Reset! I can say that I LOVE this program so far! I have NO complaints with it what so ever.
Last night I was exhausted. I cooked my dinner of salmon, asparagus, and boiled red potatoes. I made my lunch and I cooked my husbands lunch and dinner meals as well. I was a busy woman in the kitchen! I then did the cleaning that I had to do around the house and relaxed a bit. I ended up going to bed around 9:15 I just fell asleep! I recieved a text from my cousin who is on this journey with me and she told me that she went to bed at 9:00 and was up before the alarm! I was too!
This morning I woke up probably around 5:00-5:15 but stayed in bed because we all know we only get up when that alarm goes off right?!?!? Sleep/Bed time is precious time! LOL I got up and took my Soothe pills with my distilled water and started getting ready for my day.
For breakfast I had my Coconut Quinoa if you are interested in the recipe I will post it below. I made it to work and I feel great! I still feel a bit groggy but my mood is GREAT! All I want to do is be outside and taking a long walk, but I am stuck in an office but I can tell you what I will be doing after work! Going outside for some fresh air!
I can honestly say that the biggest struggle for me is not working out. I see my girlfriends who I workout with daily going off to the gym and I feel a little left out.......for obvious reasons! I want to move too! LOL I will get over it eventually I think the beginning of this whole thing is adapting to new habits and a new way of life even for a little while......I'll get over it and it is only three weeks and maybe I need a break for a bit who knows.......
Well my meals have been delicious today I loved every single meal that I had today I still feel like I need a snack in between breakfast and lunch but I will see how I survive in the first week with that before I go making crazy changes, I already had an extra taco shell which maybe I shouldn't have had but hey mistakes happen and with the way that I have been craving GUM, CANDY, GUM, CHIPS, CANDY all in that order repeatedly all day I will say that an extra taco shell is the least of my worries.
Tonight I had a Southwest taco and holy mother of Jesus was it a flavor explosion in my face! ha ha! I love the mixture of cumin and all those spices and YUMMMMM it was amazing! I had it with a side of kale and guac it was delicious!
So the bad points of today......CRAVINGS for sure I smelled everything more and I wanted BBQ, Chips, Candy, Gum, Sour Patch Kids but I fought all of the temptations because my cousin sees me as an inspiration and we are doing this together and I can't let her down :) I know that I should be thinking about the foods that I can have but I am consciously thinking about what I can't have......I guess I am human LOL Well that was the worst of it for today. Tomorrow is the last day of eggs and meat so off to the vegetarian lifestyle tomorrow! EEEEK LOL
Last night I was exhausted. I cooked my dinner of salmon, asparagus, and boiled red potatoes. I made my lunch and I cooked my husbands lunch and dinner meals as well. I was a busy woman in the kitchen! I then did the cleaning that I had to do around the house and relaxed a bit. I ended up going to bed around 9:15 I just fell asleep! I recieved a text from my cousin who is on this journey with me and she told me that she went to bed at 9:00 and was up before the alarm! I was too!
This morning I woke up probably around 5:00-5:15 but stayed in bed because we all know we only get up when that alarm goes off right?!?!? Sleep/Bed time is precious time! LOL I got up and took my Soothe pills with my distilled water and started getting ready for my day.
For breakfast I had my Coconut Quinoa if you are interested in the recipe I will post it below. I made it to work and I feel great! I still feel a bit groggy but my mood is GREAT! All I want to do is be outside and taking a long walk, but I am stuck in an office but I can tell you what I will be doing after work! Going outside for some fresh air!
I can honestly say that the biggest struggle for me is not working out. I see my girlfriends who I workout with daily going off to the gym and I feel a little left out.......for obvious reasons! I want to move too! LOL I will get over it eventually I think the beginning of this whole thing is adapting to new habits and a new way of life even for a little while......I'll get over it and it is only three weeks and maybe I need a break for a bit who knows.......
Well my meals have been delicious today I loved every single meal that I had today I still feel like I need a snack in between breakfast and lunch but I will see how I survive in the first week with that before I go making crazy changes, I already had an extra taco shell which maybe I shouldn't have had but hey mistakes happen and with the way that I have been craving GUM, CANDY, GUM, CHIPS, CANDY all in that order repeatedly all day I will say that an extra taco shell is the least of my worries.
Tonight I had a Southwest taco and holy mother of Jesus was it a flavor explosion in my face! ha ha! I love the mixture of cumin and all those spices and YUMMMMM it was amazing! I had it with a side of kale and guac it was delicious!
So the bad points of today......CRAVINGS for sure I smelled everything more and I wanted BBQ, Chips, Candy, Gum, Sour Patch Kids but I fought all of the temptations because my cousin sees me as an inspiration and we are doing this together and I can't let her down :) I know that I should be thinking about the foods that I can have but I am consciously thinking about what I can't have......I guess I am human LOL Well that was the worst of it for today. Tomorrow is the last day of eggs and meat so off to the vegetarian lifestyle tomorrow! EEEEK LOL
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ohhh look at those sexy black socks! ha ha ha |
eat clean diet,
Lindsay matway,
ultimate reset,
ultimate reset blog,
April 17, 2013
Reset Day 1 and pictures
I have to admit Day 1 of the Ultimate Reset was scary to me because so many people are having weird symptoms like huge headaches and things like that. Alkanize had gotten a bad wrap and I wasn't to eager to try that out either but hey it was part of the deal. I knew I would be able to deal with it. Anyway I have to say that I am only feeling REALLY exhausted. I drank almost a gallon of water today which is really new for me but I still have some time to get the whole gallon down....I can totally see myself waking up A LOT tonight ha ha.
I weighed myself this morning.........123.8 I emailed myself the picture but it didn't get here at the writing of this blog post so I will post it tomorrow for you all to see :)
I fixed my breakfast and prepared my lunch last night which was a super smart thing to do because making breakfast took a little bit longer than usual. Good thing tomorrow is oatmeal, I can make that super fast. So let's talk about the good.....
1.) the food was delicious
2.) Everything is already written out for you.
3.) I felt full for most of the day.
4.) I didn't feel deprived.
Don't get me wrong I was tempted to eat everything that wasn't on the meal plan. To be honest todays meals would have been something I would have eaten on a normal day but since it was the only thing that I could have and it was already predetermined for me I struggled with the control part of my life.The bad part of it all.....I feel super tired and I was flighty today at work today and didn't make my lists like I normally do. I think that was a HUGE thing for me because typically I would pick up a 5 hour energy or a Red Bull or to perk up. Now I feel like I KNOW that I can stay awake but how important sleep is. It's only been a day and I am not claiming to know everything about myself but I have a feeling that I know what REAL tired is now that I have actually felt it and not forced some type of every product in my face. I think we as a society are really dependent on them and we really shouldn't be, it's not a good thing but I am not judging of course I only had an energy drink....yesterday lol
Anyway my day went pretty well, I am still a bit scared of what days 2-3 has in store for me and I can say that I am still nervous but I know that it is all for good reason! My health.
I weighed myself this morning.........123.8 I emailed myself the picture but it didn't get here at the writing of this blog post so I will post it tomorrow for you all to see :)
I fixed my breakfast and prepared my lunch last night which was a super smart thing to do because making breakfast took a little bit longer than usual. Good thing tomorrow is oatmeal, I can make that super fast. So let's talk about the good.....
1.) the food was delicious
2.) Everything is already written out for you.
3.) I felt full for most of the day.
4.) I didn't feel deprived.
Don't get me wrong I was tempted to eat everything that wasn't on the meal plan. To be honest todays meals would have been something I would have eaten on a normal day but since it was the only thing that I could have and it was already predetermined for me I struggled with the control part of my life.The bad part of it all.....I feel super tired and I was flighty today at work today and didn't make my lists like I normally do. I think that was a HUGE thing for me because typically I would pick up a 5 hour energy or a Red Bull or to perk up. Now I feel like I KNOW that I can stay awake but how important sleep is. It's only been a day and I am not claiming to know everything about myself but I have a feeling that I know what REAL tired is now that I have actually felt it and not forced some type of every product in my face. I think we as a society are really dependent on them and we really shouldn't be, it's not a good thing but I am not judging of course I only had an energy drink....yesterday lol
Anyway my day went pretty well, I am still a bit scared of what days 2-3 has in store for me and I can say that I am still nervous but I know that it is all for good reason! My health.
ultimate reset,
ultimate reset blog,
weight loss
April 16, 2013
Ultimate Reset
Well the time has come and I couldn't be more excited! I am starting the Ultimate Reset with my cousin tomorrow. It's her birthday and she wanted to get into a healthier lifestyle for herself on her 31st! I can say that I am so happy to be doing it with her.
I planned to do the Ultimate Reset when it came out last year but I was moving and didn't think that it would be the best of ideas. When we settled I thought about it again but then the holidays came and then my wallet was recovering. About a month ago it went on sale for 140.00 coach price so I JUMPED on the deal and bought it. My cousin went in with me and we were like better now than never! We set our date for tomorrow and we have been hyping each other up every day texting each other and what not getting ready to go. I did have a massive meal of Chinese food, for the past week I have been self sabotaging myself with eating VERY unhealthy because the "restriction" was coming so I had to "get it out" of my system........needless to say I feel like garbage and am looking forward to this healthy beginning.
I did my measurements and took pictures which I will post tomorrow or something, I do not feel like uploading the pictures tonight but I will account my day to day progress here on the blog for you all to read my "A Day In The Life Of A Resetter" and so that I can come back to this and read my journey.
Many people do this to lose weight and that is seriously NOT what I am doing it for. I love where I am weight wise but it is going to be cool to know that I am going to set my body to a less toxic state and I really want to be able to get rid of my little addictions to things like sugar and caffeine. I also want to know what things my body is not tolerable of such as certain grains and things like that. I know weight loss is going to be a "side effect" of treating my body extremely well but that is not my goal here. I am comfortable in my sz 4 and I like the curves that I have :) Here are my stats.
Mid thigh: 19.25 (L) 19.25(R)
U. Thigh 21.25 (L) 21.5 (R)
Hip 37
Bellybutton 31
Natural waist 27
Chest 32.5
Arm (L&R) 10
I am guestimating my weight between 121 and 122 that is where I always hang around at, I will try to remember to take a pic of my weight tomorrow and post that as well. :) HERE WE GO!!!!!!
I planned to do the Ultimate Reset when it came out last year but I was moving and didn't think that it would be the best of ideas. When we settled I thought about it again but then the holidays came and then my wallet was recovering. About a month ago it went on sale for 140.00 coach price so I JUMPED on the deal and bought it. My cousin went in with me and we were like better now than never! We set our date for tomorrow and we have been hyping each other up every day texting each other and what not getting ready to go. I did have a massive meal of Chinese food, for the past week I have been self sabotaging myself with eating VERY unhealthy because the "restriction" was coming so I had to "get it out" of my system........needless to say I feel like garbage and am looking forward to this healthy beginning.
I did my measurements and took pictures which I will post tomorrow or something, I do not feel like uploading the pictures tonight but I will account my day to day progress here on the blog for you all to read my "A Day In The Life Of A Resetter" and so that I can come back to this and read my journey.
Many people do this to lose weight and that is seriously NOT what I am doing it for. I love where I am weight wise but it is going to be cool to know that I am going to set my body to a less toxic state and I really want to be able to get rid of my little addictions to things like sugar and caffeine. I also want to know what things my body is not tolerable of such as certain grains and things like that. I know weight loss is going to be a "side effect" of treating my body extremely well but that is not my goal here. I am comfortable in my sz 4 and I like the curves that I have :) Here are my stats.
Mid thigh: 19.25 (L) 19.25(R)
U. Thigh 21.25 (L) 21.5 (R)
Hip 37
Bellybutton 31
Natural waist 27
Chest 32.5
Arm (L&R) 10
I am guestimating my weight between 121 and 122 that is where I always hang around at, I will try to remember to take a pic of my weight tomorrow and post that as well. :) HERE WE GO!!!!!!
body weight,
ultimate reset,
weight loss,
April 15, 2013
My favorite photography pics lately
One of my favorite things to do with my free time (yes other than working out) is to take pictures of my family and friends. I like capturing "the moment" I guess you would call that lifestyle. Here are a few of my most favorite family photos that I have taken in the past few months. I haven't really found my style yet so to speak but I sure do like playing around to try and figure it out.
I think photography for me is a way to express myself. I am a self taught photographer and don't know where to even go to a school but I have invested in a few workshops that have helped me increase my skill. I prefer to learn from those that have gone through my issues because I feel they can relate though.
I hope that you enjoy looking through my photography and feel like you are getting to know me more as a person and not so much as the "fitness junkie" but trust me I love me some working out!
Today I had a lot of fun with the girls that I work with. They are A.D.D. fitness peeps so I try to change thing up and I found "The 1000 Rep Workout." We get a free hour for workout at the gym on base so we have to make it a quick one :) needless to say these girls rocked it and one completed the whole thing while the other made it almost through it.
So much fun! I am totally thinking that if I am still loving the whole workout with a group thing that a little part time gig as a group fitness instructor isn't such a bad idea?? Anyway I totally digressed ha ha ha! Well I hope that you enjoy my pictures!!! Take care!
Until next time!!!!
I think photography for me is a way to express myself. I am a self taught photographer and don't know where to even go to a school but I have invested in a few workshops that have helped me increase my skill. I prefer to learn from those that have gone through my issues because I feel they can relate though.
I hope that you enjoy looking through my photography and feel like you are getting to know me more as a person and not so much as the "fitness junkie" but trust me I love me some working out!
Today I had a lot of fun with the girls that I work with. They are A.D.D. fitness peeps so I try to change thing up and I found "The 1000 Rep Workout." We get a free hour for workout at the gym on base so we have to make it a quick one :) needless to say these girls rocked it and one completed the whole thing while the other made it almost through it.
So much fun! I am totally thinking that if I am still loving the whole workout with a group thing that a little part time gig as a group fitness instructor isn't such a bad idea?? Anyway I totally digressed ha ha ha! Well I hope that you enjoy my pictures!!! Take care!
Until next time!!!!
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Had to catch him in the kitchen! |
April 13, 2013
Kale, white bean and turkey Soup!
I love a good recipe but I also love making it my own. The link to the original recipe is below if you are interested :)
2 Cans white beans such as Great Northern, cannellini, or navy drained and rinsed
1 onions, coarsely chopped
2 tablespoons olive oil
4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
5 tsp Better Than Bullion "chicken" broth
5 cups water
1 bay leaf (not California)
1 lb ground turkey meatballs seasoned with pepper, onion powder, oregano, and basil
8 carrots, halved lengthwise and cut crosswise into 1/2-inch pieces
1 lb kale (preferably lacinato), stems and center ribs discarded and leaves coarsely chopped
Cook onions in oil in an 8-quart pot over moderately low heat, stirring occasionally, until softened, 4 to 5 minutes. Add garlic and cook, stirring, 1 minute. Add beans, bullion, water, pepper, bay leaf, and rosemary and simmer, uncovered, until turkey meatballs are cooked through, about 30 minutes.
Stir carrots into soup and simmer 5 minutes. Stir in kale, and simmer, uncovered, stirring occasionally, until kale is tender, 12 to 15 minutes. Season soup with salt and pepper.
Read More http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Kale-and-White-Bean-Soup-106153#ixzz2QAHceJ30
2 Cans white beans such as Great Northern, cannellini, or navy drained and rinsed
1 onions, coarsely chopped
2 tablespoons olive oil
4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
5 tsp Better Than Bullion "chicken" broth
5 cups water
1 bay leaf (not California)
1 lb ground turkey meatballs seasoned with pepper, onion powder, oregano, and basil
8 carrots, halved lengthwise and cut crosswise into 1/2-inch pieces
1 lb kale (preferably lacinato), stems and center ribs discarded and leaves coarsely chopped
Cook onions in oil in an 8-quart pot over moderately low heat, stirring occasionally, until softened, 4 to 5 minutes. Add garlic and cook, stirring, 1 minute. Add beans, bullion, water, pepper, bay leaf, and rosemary and simmer, uncovered, until turkey meatballs are cooked through, about 30 minutes.
Stir carrots into soup and simmer 5 minutes. Stir in kale, and simmer, uncovered, stirring occasionally, until kale is tender, 12 to 15 minutes. Season soup with salt and pepper.
Read More http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Kale-and-White-Bean-Soup-106153#ixzz2QAHceJ30
white bean
April 12, 2013
My 10 minute make-up routine
I am a busy woman! I get up at 5:30 to get ready for work and by 6:45 I am out the door on the way to work to drop off the hubbs and my kiddo at daycare. My hour and fifteen minutes in the morning is NOT enough time for me to make my face FAB unless I came up with a routine that was 10 minutes or less. Time to get creative right.......Here is a rundown of my typical morning.
5:35 - alarm goes off hit snooze
5:41 - actually get out of bed and wash face, teeth, and do my hair in my oh so fab military bun.
5:55 - cook my sons lunch (usually grilled cheese)
6:05 ish: Read the Bible, pour some cereal and stuff my face.
6:15-6:20 - get kiddo dressed for school, pack my lunch and snacks
6:30 - get dressed for work, pack my gym bag, and make sure I have everything I need to get to work.
6:45 out the door for work.
I literally have to make the time to get this done, so I figured while I am in the bathroom I may as well make up my face. In the USCG we aren't allowed to wear tons of make up which I never really do anyway BUT I am getting to the point where I want a little bit more femininity in my life. I wear a dark blue suit, I wear a bun all day and come home to my jammies.......yeah I want to be a little more fashionable if I can help it. You only live once right.
Anyway, I wear Bare Minerals on my face because it doesn't make me breakout. I use medium tan. I also use Bare Minerals summer bisque to cover my blemishes and Well rested when I am looking like poopies from lack of sleep :) Then I use my Lash Extend mascara with a little bit of Mally eyeliner but I don't use it everyday and I top my eyes off with a neutral toned look on my eyes from the Mally neutral palette :)
That's pretty much it! Maybe sometime this weekend I will make a video showing how I do it so that you guys can catch a peek :)
Take care of you!!!
5:35 - alarm goes off hit snooze
5:41 - actually get out of bed and wash face, teeth, and do my hair in my oh so fab military bun.
5:55 - cook my sons lunch (usually grilled cheese)
6:05 ish: Read the Bible, pour some cereal and stuff my face.
6:15-6:20 - get kiddo dressed for school, pack my lunch and snacks
6:30 - get dressed for work, pack my gym bag, and make sure I have everything I need to get to work.
6:45 out the door for work.
I literally have to make the time to get this done, so I figured while I am in the bathroom I may as well make up my face. In the USCG we aren't allowed to wear tons of make up which I never really do anyway BUT I am getting to the point where I want a little bit more femininity in my life. I wear a dark blue suit, I wear a bun all day and come home to my jammies.......yeah I want to be a little more fashionable if I can help it. You only live once right.
Anyway, I wear Bare Minerals on my face because it doesn't make me breakout. I use medium tan. I also use Bare Minerals summer bisque to cover my blemishes and Well rested when I am looking like poopies from lack of sleep :) Then I use my Lash Extend mascara with a little bit of Mally eyeliner but I don't use it everyday and I top my eyes off with a neutral toned look on my eyes from the Mally neutral palette :)
That's pretty much it! Maybe sometime this weekend I will make a video showing how I do it so that you guys can catch a peek :)
Take care of you!!!
April 11, 2013
Couch to 5K!
I am really excited that running season is back on! I love ALL things fitness and can appreciate all kinds of fitness! Running is probably my 2nd love next to lifting weights!!! So....I want to hose a couch to 5K virtual challenge!
I am really excited about starting this because I LOVE to run and I want to pass that passion onto others! I also want to make it easy for people to begin running to keep up with it!
If you are a beginner and want to get started with running please send me and email and I will tell you more about the challenge :)
Have a great week!
I am really excited about starting this because I LOVE to run and I want to pass that passion onto others! I also want to make it easy for people to begin running to keep up with it!
If you are a beginner and want to get started with running please send me and email and I will tell you more about the challenge :)
Have a great week!
couch to 5k,
April 9, 2013
In my fridge and some healthy veggie tips!
As someone who has lost weight and kept it off I get asked what I eat all the time. When I first started losing weight, I ate low calorie but still had tons of processed foods. I cooked the same things all the time. Can we say chicken, broccoli, and brown rice? It got boring but it sure did help me lose the weight that I needed to get off. When I started I also didn't enjoy being in the kitchen so everything was super quick as well. I didn't take the time that I should have to prepare my meals.
Now that I have gained a better education on food and what works for me and what doesn't I feel more comfortable trying new things. Now I search all over the internet and use cookbooks to plan my meals and I actually enjoy being in the kitchen and experimenting! Here is a look at my fridge. I wish I would have taken one when I first started eating healthy you would have seen a "healthy processed heaven" lol.
Some things to keep in mind
Meal plan! That way everything in your fridge is what you are going to use through out the week for your meals.
DON'T buy random vegetables! I did this because I thought that I was going to use them AND I didn't it was a huge waste of money!
COOK the things that you KNOW are going to go bad first like using your cilantro,, or broccoli and lettuce. Your celery carrots and cucumbers will last a while so you can use those recipes toward the end of the week! I learned this the hard way as well LOL
You can pre cut your vegetables and freeze them and even put them in an air tight container so that they stay fresh longer. I do this sometimes and it helps me keep the value of what I bought because we all know vegetables don't last long and they can be pricey especially if you are buying out of season.
Lastly buy what is in season and you will save on costs. Produce costs more because of the transportation it takes to get here and often times that produce will have to the the first that is cooked. :)
Planning is success! It will help you a ton in the long run!
Now that I have gained a better education on food and what works for me and what doesn't I feel more comfortable trying new things. Now I search all over the internet and use cookbooks to plan my meals and I actually enjoy being in the kitchen and experimenting! Here is a look at my fridge. I wish I would have taken one when I first started eating healthy you would have seen a "healthy processed heaven" lol.
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Veggies are a must! I always keep them stocked in my fridge. |
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Chicken, turkey and vege0tarian burgers :) |
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My hard vegetables like potatoes and onions, I like to keep them separated from my greens! |
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Hummus, almond milk, vegan butter, and more veggies :) |
Meal plan! That way everything in your fridge is what you are going to use through out the week for your meals.
DON'T buy random vegetables! I did this because I thought that I was going to use them AND I didn't it was a huge waste of money!
COOK the things that you KNOW are going to go bad first like using your cilantro,, or broccoli and lettuce. Your celery carrots and cucumbers will last a while so you can use those recipes toward the end of the week! I learned this the hard way as well LOL
You can pre cut your vegetables and freeze them and even put them in an air tight container so that they stay fresh longer. I do this sometimes and it helps me keep the value of what I bought because we all know vegetables don't last long and they can be pricey especially if you are buying out of season.
Lastly buy what is in season and you will save on costs. Produce costs more because of the transportation it takes to get here and often times that produce will have to the the first that is cooked. :)
Planning is success! It will help you a ton in the long run!
weight loss
April 8, 2013
Shakeology testimonial! Alyssa
Here is a testimonial and pictures of my buddy Alyssa. I met here when I went for some training in Pittsburg. She is such a sweet girl, she was actually doing the Ultimate Reset when I met her and was so proud of her for sticking to her guns while we were all eating yummy Panera after the training event LOL. Here is what she thought about Shakeology and what it did for her :) Enjoy!!
Why Shakeology?
I wanted to try Shakeology because I didn't know where else to turn. I did not have the dedication at first to change my eating habits, enough to see results at least. I tried a friends Shakeology and loved it. I figured it would help me start off my morning with a healthy breakfast instead of a grab and go on my way to class.
When did you start noticing results? How did you feel?
After a week I was feeling pretty good. I felt full enough to get me from breakfast to lunch without needing to snack. I was fully focused in my classes because I wasn't thinking about food! My energy levels went up and I was in an overall happy mood. I saw my eating habits start to change for my other meals, at that point I knew I had made the right decision.
Have you saved money on food by starting the Sheaology "regime"
Yes!! I save so much money on groceries. Before I started shakeology I did try to eat somewhat healthy. However, I would spend so much money on pre packaged snacks and grab and go breakfast bars. Now I usually buy 3 bananas a week to add for breakfast. Plus I am no longer buying processed food, going through a drive thru, or any of those bad habits.
Did you lose any weight on Shakeology alone? Did you workout while drinking it?
I started Shakeology in March of 2012. By July 2012 I lost about 7 pounds just with Shakeology. At this point I was not doing a workout daily, just walking about 10 minutes, four times a day ( back and forth to class). Of course I started changing my other eating habits because of Shakeology and LOVED the outcome! After I saw that I could get results I started to workout again!
Why Shakeology?
I wanted to try Shakeology because I didn't know where else to turn. I did not have the dedication at first to change my eating habits, enough to see results at least. I tried a friends Shakeology and loved it. I figured it would help me start off my morning with a healthy breakfast instead of a grab and go on my way to class.
When did you start noticing results? How did you feel?
After a week I was feeling pretty good. I felt full enough to get me from breakfast to lunch without needing to snack. I was fully focused in my classes because I wasn't thinking about food! My energy levels went up and I was in an overall happy mood. I saw my eating habits start to change for my other meals, at that point I knew I had made the right decision.
Have you saved money on food by starting the Sheaology "regime"
Yes!! I save so much money on groceries. Before I started shakeology I did try to eat somewhat healthy. However, I would spend so much money on pre packaged snacks and grab and go breakfast bars. Now I usually buy 3 bananas a week to add for breakfast. Plus I am no longer buying processed food, going through a drive thru, or any of those bad habits.
Did you lose any weight on Shakeology alone? Did you workout while drinking it?
I started Shakeology in March of 2012. By July 2012 I lost about 7 pounds just with Shakeology. At this point I was not doing a workout daily, just walking about 10 minutes, four times a day ( back and forth to class). Of course I started changing my other eating habits because of Shakeology and LOVED the outcome! After I saw that I could get results I started to workout again!
weight loss
April 7, 2013
Brazil Butt Lift Masters
Brazil Butt Lift Masters has caught my eye! I have been wanting to tone down my workouts since I am in maintenance mode, I live in Cape Cod so being on the beach is a must isn't it. Especially since we have had the worst winter ever LOL. Ughh I can't stand the snow LMBO. So on May 6th I am going to start my Summer Slim Down Challenge and this wille be my program of choice. It is going to take 2 months for me to complete and I couldn't be more excited. This will be the perfect program for me to do after coming off of the Ultimate Reset.
Here is what it is all about!!!!
Launch your booty-sculpting sky-high with Leandro's advanced breakthrough moves. The 30-day Master Series program will not only help you perfect your booty, but also get the tight, sexy bikini body of your dreams.
It includes 3 innovative workouts:
If you are interrested in signing up for my Summer Slim Down Challenge please contact me at jeannettealverio@yahoo.com
Or you can sign up HERE and order your program if you are interested but don't want to do the group!
If you would like to have me as your coach only you can sign up HERE
Here is what it is all about!!!!
Launch your booty-sculpting sky-high with Leandro's advanced breakthrough moves. The 30-day Master Series program will not only help you perfect your booty, but also get the tight, sexy bikini body of your dreams.
It includes 3 innovative workouts:
- Bikini Body. Sculpt sexy muscles all over with the stability ball and hand weights.
- Higher & Tighter. Elevate your bum bum and trim your core with advanced moves using the stability ball.
- Ipanema Booty. Shape a firm, round booty using heavier weights.
- Stability Ball. Engages your core with every move, for your ultimate bikini body.
- Sculpting Guide. Follow Leandro's fitness and nutrition plan to succeed.
- Master Series 30-Day Calendar. Shows your daily workout, plus a hybrid option that includes the original Brazil Butt Lift DVDs.
If you are interrested in signing up for my Summer Slim Down Challenge please contact me at jeannettealverio@yahoo.com
Or you can sign up HERE and order your program if you are interested but don't want to do the group!
If you would like to have me as your coach only you can sign up HERE
Brazil Butt Lift,
April 6, 2013
P90X Island Pork Tenderloin
This was by far my most favorite recipe out of the whole P90X journey that I was on in 2011. I would like to share it with those of you that are looking for new recipes.
16 oz Pork tenderloin,
.5 tsp salt
.25 tsp pepper,
.5 tsp chile powder
.5 tsp ground cumin
.5 tsp cinnamon
.25 c brown sugar
.5 tbs fresh garlic, finely chopped
.5 tbs Tabasco sauce
1. Preheat pven to 350
2. stir together salt, pepper, chile powder, and cinnamon, then coat pork with spice rub.
3. heat oil in a skillet over moderately high heat and brown pork, turning, about 4 minutes.
4. Stir together brown sugar, garlic, and tabasco and pat onto top of tenderloin. place pork in a roasting pan and cook in the oven for 20 minutes or internal temp of 170.
16 oz Pork tenderloin,
.5 tsp salt
.25 tsp pepper,
.5 tsp chile powder
.5 tsp ground cumin
.5 tsp cinnamon
.25 c brown sugar
.5 tbs fresh garlic, finely chopped
.5 tbs Tabasco sauce
1. Preheat pven to 350
2. stir together salt, pepper, chile powder, and cinnamon, then coat pork with spice rub.
3. heat oil in a skillet over moderately high heat and brown pork, turning, about 4 minutes.
4. Stir together brown sugar, garlic, and tabasco and pat onto top of tenderloin. place pork in a roasting pan and cook in the oven for 20 minutes or internal temp of 170.
pork tenderloin,
April 5, 2013
Fear - Do it afraid
I was reading my daily devotional this morning and it rang like bells in my ears! I couldn't believe it. It's like me week long devotionals have been speaking to me but this one was seriously yelling at me!
So I will give you a little overview of what I read this morning.
"Just because ordinary people take steps to accomplish extraordinary things does not mean that they do not feel fear."
"Fear does not mean that you are a coward. It only means that you need to be willing to feel the fear and do what you need to do anyway. It's one of my favorite phrases: 'Do it afraid!'"
Then Joyce Meyer goes on to ask questions if you are living a life that is full of fear and if you are fulfilled and if not find a way to be fulfilled. Her last quote that touched me was;
"Don't spend one more day living a narrow life that has room not only for you and your fears. Make a decision right now that you will learn to live boldly, aggressively, and confidently."
I mean this is some amazing stuff and it has done nothing but speak to me all day. I want to be a business owner, and I want to step away from the military life but I am so scared but I feel as if my calling is outside the 4 walls that I am living in now.
I too also fear that I am going to gain the weight back that I have lost. I also fear so many things. At times I feel as if I am being safe.....so you feel that way? Do ever feel like you want to do certain things with your life, but are frozen by fear. All of my successes with the exception of weight loss and my marriage have been mapped out for me. Go to school, do the work, get the degree. Study and behave yourself and you will get promoted at work. Owning a business on the other hand....well not so much! It's scary but I have some tips that maybe you and I could take with us to succeed.
I learned today about reverse engineering my goals. So what that means is take my goals and write down what I need to do to achieve them and research exactly what I need to do to get to where I want to be. If you feel like you can tackle everything on that list in some time than go for it! I am going to do the same! I am so excited but still scared!
So I will give you a little overview of what I read this morning.
"Just because ordinary people take steps to accomplish extraordinary things does not mean that they do not feel fear."
"Fear does not mean that you are a coward. It only means that you need to be willing to feel the fear and do what you need to do anyway. It's one of my favorite phrases: 'Do it afraid!'"
Then Joyce Meyer goes on to ask questions if you are living a life that is full of fear and if you are fulfilled and if not find a way to be fulfilled. Her last quote that touched me was;
"Don't spend one more day living a narrow life that has room not only for you and your fears. Make a decision right now that you will learn to live boldly, aggressively, and confidently."
I mean this is some amazing stuff and it has done nothing but speak to me all day. I want to be a business owner, and I want to step away from the military life but I am so scared but I feel as if my calling is outside the 4 walls that I am living in now.
I too also fear that I am going to gain the weight back that I have lost. I also fear so many things. At times I feel as if I am being safe.....so you feel that way? Do ever feel like you want to do certain things with your life, but are frozen by fear. All of my successes with the exception of weight loss and my marriage have been mapped out for me. Go to school, do the work, get the degree. Study and behave yourself and you will get promoted at work. Owning a business on the other hand....well not so much! It's scary but I have some tips that maybe you and I could take with us to succeed.
I learned today about reverse engineering my goals. So what that means is take my goals and write down what I need to do to achieve them and research exactly what I need to do to get to where I want to be. If you feel like you can tackle everything on that list in some time than go for it! I am going to do the same! I am so excited but still scared!
personal development
April 4, 2013
My measure of success.....it happened in my own time.
I was thinking this morning about my journey through my weight loss and it was not an easy one as I have said before. Many people look at me now and think that the way I look now is the way that I have always looked and cannot fathom a person like me being 25 pounds heavier than I am now.
I help a few people where I work with their weight loss and they see the way that I eat and listen to what I say but they can't see that I have had a journey of my own to go through so I feel the need to talk about that so that you can understand where I came from and how I got to where I am.
I used to be the girl that would look at celebrities and say to myself....I want to be like her, I want to be like her. I want to lose weight.
I bought cleanses, I bought exercise DVD's that I never used and I bought crazy drinks that would promise me a better body. I didn't work out and I didn't eat healthy all in the name of creating a lesser budget on food. I wanted the results but I wanted them in a week just like many of you who are starting out. So there I was heavy and busting out of the biggest pants that I owned.......what a shame. All of those pills and cleanses didn't offer me anything in regards to my weight loss because they never TAUGHT me how to eat healthy. I can and will always say that you can lose weight with just eating and not with just exercising. I can promise you that one, but I prefer both because of the many benefits exercise has to offer that we can't see in the reflection of the mirror.
So When I started eating healthy and got really serious about making my change. I bought bars of all kinds protein bars, fiber one bars, almonds, protein shakes, and a LOT of microwave meals that are laden with sodium. I would barley eat fruit and what the heck was a vegetable? I ate corn and green beans and out of a can at that. After the scale stopped budging which was after a good 15 pound weight loss I started playing in the kitchen.
I lived in AK at the time so money was on my side. I invested in cookbooks, read blogs and researched about healthier things to eat. I had cauliflower mashed potatoes, tried the P90X pork tenderloin which was amazing and not something that I would normally eat in addition to signing up for a nutrition certification.
By trying all of these new things I figured out that I liked vegetables and that I could make them taste good. My nutrition certification helped me understand what good food was and how natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats are the ONLY way to lose weight in a healthy way and keeping it off. It wasn't about the newest fad that Dr. oz has out there to try out. No offense to his fans but if you follow him you are wasting serious cash buying ALL the supplements he wants you to take just eat REAL FOOD. Now I have seen food documentaries and marketing is solidifying the claims put in those documentaries so I am leaning toward having a 75% plant based diet. I am not ready to give up meat for good but personally I think that having meat once a day versus 3 times a day is good for me for now.
I have been where I would eat what the stars would eat, or what my beachbody coach would eat and sometimes there were good ideas there but I wasn't ready for that drastic of a change.
What I am trying to say is, you have to go and move forward when YOU ARE READY. I can't tell you how to eat or what to eat you have to figure out that on your own, I say that because my palette and yours are not the same, what tastes good to me now may not taste the same to you. Only you know what you like and only you know what ingredients and things you enjoy.
I can and will always give you suggestions, recipes, and meal plan skeletons; but maybe giving up chocolate is a NO for right now but giving up full fat milk is so do that. Start eliminating the "bad" things from your diet and REPLACE them with good things and over time you will see a change. If you take small steps and they give you results push yourself harder to get that "ideal for you" lifestyle diet.
Find things that are healthier replacements for what you already eat like replacing beef meatballs with turkey ones or lacing your meatballs with spinach. Over time your palette will change and you will crave healthier foods.
Being healthy and at optimal health is not something that changes over night. If someone had told me that I would be eating the way that I am today I would have laughed a big belly laugh in their face and tell them that I was not going to give up my beloved PRican food, but I never had to, I found a way to keep the flavor and lessen the fat. Change happens gradually and it has to happen (with this because it is something YOU control) over time and slowly so that you can win and by winning I mean you being at optimal health :)
No one is perfect and perfection is not attainable. I am not perfect and do not pretend to be. I ate sour patch kids and I am going to drink margaritas tonight with my husband. BUT I do know that tomorrow I need to not eat candy or drink, exercise and eat healthy. Just because I had a drink doesn't give me the permission to treat my body badly by continuing to do so tomorrow. It is all about balance and once you find that in your own life and in your own way, you will then be good to go. When you stop wanting to look like someone else and LOVE YOURSELF enough to want to make your body a machine for you THEN you will succeed.
Until next time!
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