March 19, 2014

Week 27 Bumpdate

Baby Girl: At 13.6 to 14.8 inches and 1.5 to 2.5 pounds, she's not just getting bigger, she's getting smarter.

My Symptoms: This week has been great but so many things have changed it seems like. It seems that I am going to be going through this weekly. I have been feeling more tired but energized all at the same time. I am off this week and sleeping has been phenomenal. Not having to wake up at 5:30 AM has been such a blessing. I just got back from my awesome Bombshell Retreat and boy did they wear me out! ha ha! I came back SO tired I didn't think I could be that tired again but 12 hours of sleep in 2 days will certainly throw you for a loop right?!

Let's see. I am tired but not all the time, I am getting out of breath faster. The stairs are my nemesis and there are only like 10 of them LOL. My workouts are suffering and I have been having to slow down BIG time but I am ok with that.

Weight/Belly: I am up 22-23 pounds depending on what I eat and when I eat it but I am ok with that. I am going to try and keep that down. With traveling and all that, eating has not been a priority meaning healthy eating has not been. My belly is well I feel like it couldn't grow anymore but we all know that it will ha ha!

Maternity Clothes: Yes, I am wearing them but I still fit into my yoga pants and I bought some Small and Medium Tami's from Old Navy so I wear those around the house a lot. I really only wear maternity when I am leaving the house which is rarley ever so I guess I am mostly in reg clothes! :) 

Movement: Yes she is moving and kicking me but she really likes to hang out at the bottom of my belly she rarely comes up above my belly button and I am counting my blessings for every day that she is not all up in and around my ribs.

Sleep: I have been getting up to go potty every night now which really stinks BUT I am sleeping well. Next week it may be a different story ha ha. 

Cravings: Still raisins and mangoes. Vegetables seems to have left but I only really eat them around dinner time. 
  Best Pregnancy Moment This Week: Having everyone I didn't know at the retreat tell me how great I look for being pregnant. It is nice for people to be real with you.

Goals for next week: Eat more vegetables :) 

Thoughts: I can't wait to see my girl. I can't wait to hold her and kiss her all up. I really want to relax more than ever but all I can think about is her and what she is going to look like and how everyone is going to be reacting to the new bundle that is joining the family. I feel so blessed that I am having a great pregnancy and despite some of the discomforts I am enjoying taking care of this little one in my belly!


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