My letter to you!

Hello! It's so nice to meet you!

My name is Jeannette the writer of all things J. Gregory!

I find the greatest joy in helping other people with their weight loss goals. I firmly believe that it all starts with the weight but the journey becomes something much more than just weight. I feel that way because my weight loss journey began with the hopes of getting into some skinny jeans and it turned into a transformation of the mind and my self confidence coupled with the belief that I was invincible and could honestly do anything I set my mind to.  I am excited that you are here on this page and my hope is that you find inspiration to help YOU through whatever it is that you need inspiration for.

Throughout this blog you will find tips on how to eat healthy, workout reviews, recipes, my messages on faith, and maybe how to dabble in some photography. This may be my blog but I am writing it FOR YOU!

I have been using this blog for a few years and I finally think that I am ready to let go and to be of service to YOU and to give YOU value with things that inspire me in my life with the hopes that they can inspire you too!

Please know that I am here for YOU and my greatest joy is helping others find joy and beauty in themselves. If you need help or would like to talk more please email me at jeannettealverio(at)yahoo(dot)com 

I look forward to working with you in the future!

Stay Inspired!



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