May 22, 2013

Ultimate Reset pics and what I am doing now.

Well don't I look super miserable LMBO! WOW what a horrible picture LMBO Oh well it is what it is. There are my final result pictures! I am so happy with my results even though I was not the biggest fan of the reset. I think that the second time around may be better than the first but hell what do I know. 

I am now on week 2 of Body Beast and I am loving that the workouts are less than an hour long and I am sore when I am done doing them. YES it is a MAN program but I love the dynamic of the program and don't lift as heavy as they do LOL. I lift what I am comfortable with and I move on. 

Since I am on this balance kick I have started to workout at 4:45 in the morning and today was the first day of doing that so hopefully it is something that sticks again. Getting my workouts done in the morning helps me to be able to have lunch with my husband every day and I don't take the little time that I have with my son in the afternoons either. I get to go outside with my little guy get dinner on the table at a reasonable time and everyone is sleeping when I am working out so it is a win-win-win for all involved. I don't however do this on the weekends but I spend the entire day with the family so it's pretty obvious. 

I have not changed my diet and I am ding 2-3 days of cardio with the program as well because I just like running and I have been cooped up in the house all fall and winter I am totally ready to get out there clear my head and soak up the sun! I have a few recipes that I have made this weekend and adjusted them to my tasting and I will post them later if you want to be able to try out a great clean healthy meal! 

Hope you enjoy the rest of your week!


May 21, 2013

Balance, I think I got this!

I am an over achiever at heart. I want to do everything and anything ALL the time. 

It is who I am now but I have not been that way all the time. 

I got tired of people telling me that I couldn't or that I wasn't going to make anything of myself and one day I changed. It started out with just a decision to be better because I was pregnant and needed to change my life for the better. It felt like my second chance and it felt like I was going to be able to SHOW all those people that thought that I wouldn't make it that I FINALLY did it. 

Well being the Jeannette that I am I over achieved and started getting involved and wanting to be great at everything. Mom, Wife, Coastie, Business woman, photographer, crafter, fitness junkie, you name it I was ALL about it. Lately I have realized that I need to focus on the things that are important to me. The things that are REALLY important to me. Slowly but surely I have been letting things go that don't fall into my priorities. 

As in the quote above I was not well in my mind, body, and spirit. My mind was racing all the time, I felt like I did not have time for anything at all and started pushing things to the side that were important to me and that have always been just to get to the stuff that wasn't that important. 

It took me awhile and I have done some serious soul searching and where I am with my career in the Coast Guard, being a family woman, a woman of faith and doing an occasional blog about the things I love like fitness and photography in order to help people out there that want some direction or like reading about my life and time for the other things I love like being with my friends, hiking, exercising to what I want to do and when I want to do it. 

I have decided to let my ideas of running a business to the side, running challenge groups, and pursuing photography for anything other than a business to the side. It has made me so much happier because I can focus on one thing at a time and not a million things all at once. 

I feel so free and so happy now that my blogging and my life isn't all about doing things that I feel that I "have" to do. I am ready for this more settled and balanced life! I can sleep better and I am not sooo distant from my family while pursuing this business thing. I am a firm believer that if a business was meant to be in my future than it would not have been so difficult for me and maybe I didn't really want it as bad as I thought lol. 
So I guess I will be blogging more about my daily activities and what interest me overall and I am so glad.

Balance is one of the things that I have always wanted and I feel that I am getting closer to achieving that goal for myself and I couldn't be happier now that I can focus on my God, family, friends, and reading a darn good book :) 

Until Next time!!!!

May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Today was such a great Mother's Day for me. I didn't go anywhere, I didn't do anything and I just sat at home with my son and my husband and I did some FaceTime with my B who is in Florida. I could not have asked for a better day! I took the time to reflect on the important things like my family :) I thought about what it meant to be a Mother to my children and possible future children. While I don't have it figured out yet I am feeling a shift that is happening in my life that is going to get me closer to B. 

God will have the last say but either way getting out of debt and be financially responsible with our retirement is a win/win no matter how we look at it. So let's just say that we have plans and have been getting out of debt it is our first priority that's for sure! I certainly hope that me getting closer to him is in God's plan for me and my family :) Anyway here is a look at my day! 

My husband made me breakfast, I had Shakeology with eggs and a waffle. I opened my cards from Cristian and my hubby and of course our Doggy Kona.

He wrote I LOVE YOU!!!!!! With the help of Daddy but EEEK!

Some afternoon relaxation!!!! Teavana sweet tea!

Then I made lunch I had a Turkey Cuban Sandwich which was off the CHAIN. I relaxed on the couch with my sweet tea and HGTV magazine and loaded up on some DIY channel and HGTV TV of course!!!! Then I cooked some shrimp tacos that I have been craving for awhile now!!!! I made them super healthy and I LOVE THEM! I even managed to get my Body Beast Legs workout on!!!! I had a great day that was full of family and me time which is a great balance for me!!!!! I'll post my Shrimp Taco recipe here in the next few days!!!! Now off to enjoy the rest of Mother's Day! To all the Mommies out there I hope you had a wonderful relaxing day!!!!!!!

May 10, 2013

Ultimate Reset Final Review

I did it! I conquered it and it is DONE! I lost a total of 7.8 pounds and 7.4 inches all over my body which is pretty decent for a girl who thought she has nothing to lose.

I want to clarify that I did not do this to lose weight but to experience the process so that I could recommend it to those that are interested in doing the Ultimate Reset and to have overall good health for myself. Weight loss was just a side effect of living a 100% clean life and when you are eating fruits and vegetables for 2 and a half weeks weight loss will happen I don't care who you are.

Was I happy to see a flatter belly and the cellulite disappear from my thighs HELL yeah I would be lying if I said no. I also did this to go vegetarian and see if I would enjoy it and I will go into all of that here on this may be a long one so if you aren't interested in the reset I think you should just stop reading :)

Ok so I started this thing with super high hopes. I knew that I was going to feel like crap for the first few days and my diet was going to change into a vegetarian then vegan diet. I saw and looked over the book read the material over and over and I was totally positive. So what did I like?

I loved that;

I had portions that were filling
I was able to try new foods
I was not starving
I had a schedule that didn't change
I ate healthful foods and didn't just have a liquid diet
There was variety
The options for different food choices and menu switching
the way I slept
The way my face cleared up
I was able to try new things that I never thought that I would want to try anymore.

What I didn't like;

The variety (I know I said I liked it but at the end I was eating the same foods)
Being cold ALL the time.
No leeway for a cheat meal or combining Week 1 menu with Week 3 per say
That I had to change my whole entire life for this
The emotional feelings I felt
The length of time
I couldn't workout

After the middle of week 2 I was OVER this thing. I didn't want to eat any of the food and I just wanted to rebel.This probably had more to do with the fact that my son and husband were eating fish sticks, french toast, man and cheese in my face along with sweet treats. Even though I normally wouldn't eat those things the fact that I couldn't because of this program made it a real mind game for me.

I knew everything that I needed to do prior but I hit a wall. I was tired of eating fruit every single freaking morning since week one and a freaking microgreen salad every day for lunch. I wanted flavor because the food was bland but every time I wanted to give up I thought about the benefits that I was having despite the fact that I wanted to quit. It was purely mind over matter.

I also realized that this was just TOO strict for me and being someone that was already small I didn't really need that kind of structure to a degree. I was pretty happy with the weight loss that I had achieved but am glad that this pushed me more toward a cleaner lifestyle overall. I don't crave sugar as much and caffiene either so my coffee and super candy cravings are over. The processed food cravings are also gone and I truly crave more natrual foods. Even though I didn't crave meat I wanted to eat it right away as I found out through this process that I am not mentally ready to be a full on vegetarian just yet, I need more time but have given up pork and red meat for good. To think about it I don't really want to put a label on myself anymore truthfully, I want to eat what I want to eat and be classified as JEANNETTE not Jeannette the vegetarian or vegan just Jeannette a pretty cool girl that loves her family, friends, health and fitness ;)

So enough of the Negative NancyRevelation stuff, I really did like trying new things, and learning more about the discipline that I carry on my own accord. I did miss a lot of things but I knew that this was temporary. I would recommend this to other people ONLY if they were READY like REALLY READY to start a new weight loss regimine and/or stuck on a plateau. I would recommend it to someone who wants to try a vegetarian diet and lastly I would recommend it to someone who has the support and someone to do it with them.

Doing this Reset with my cousin was a blessing for me and I totally would have quit had I not had her cheering me on the way that she did and I am totally grateful to her for that! We both agree that working out or lack thereof was the worst thing that could have come of this but we take our workouts more seriously now and have our head in the game.

Would I do it again? Simply put no. I went through it did it but I like the freedoms that I have with eating and maintaining my weight but this gave me a good solid base to come back to when I find myself not fitting into my clothes.

I will post pictures and final stats later this weekend. This week and last week was super crazy for me. I have Bible study and duty and had it last week too so me taking the time to write this was blah.....crazy!!!

May 3, 2013

So let's be real!

Ultimate Reset Week 3......ok this cleanse detox thing is LONG! I thought three weeks would be cake but I am DYING to get back into running again and DYING to eat some chicken wings. Some habits still stick I assume, but whatever I am ready to have MY life back! Seriously some people embrace this reset with so much calm and I just have to say......I'm Puerto Rican I don't understand calm, and relaxed. I am irrational and hate giving up my control. What can I say it's the truth!

Don't get me wrong though I truly love that I can sleep through the night without waking up, my belly is flatter, and I AM seriously craving more healthy foods (Other than chicken wings) than I ever have before. I guess I am so frustrated because I have not liked the food choices and I have eaten either the garlic stir fry or the Asian stir fry for 8 days now and I am looking at a future of at least eating it 4-5 more times by the time this thing is over. I mean can we say TORTURE! eh I am not going to do that to myself, really fruit for breakfast for 6 days the same salad I have had for about 18 days for 6 more days and the same stir fried veggies for 6 more I think not! I REALLY want to quit and embrace my life but I just can't do that because I have a chicky that I work with doing her own cleanse and I don't want to let her down so I need to adjust so we'll see what I do for the next 6 days.

Truthfully, I was fine before I started this darn thing LOL. I hate REALLY good I just couldn't get rid of the belly and I wanted to switch over to the vegetarian lifestyle so I made this 21 day commitment and I guess now that it is all over (almost) I just want it done. I guess I felt the same way when I went to bootcamp 6 years ago.......LOL ohhhh seeing the light at the end of the tunnel is such a mind game! I want to work out again, I want to eat what I want again and I want my life back not the life that Beachbody has set out for me ha ha. I guess you don't truly understand how big food is until you either go on a "diet" or you change your's really really life changing.

I am not saying this to be negative toward the Reset at all. I think that it is a great program but I don't do these kinds of things. This whole cleanse detox thing is new to me and I feel like I have given up a lot. So my negative thinking has gotten me to where I am but I am willing to change that :) I have to think positive and know that after 6 days I can embrace a vegetarian lifestyle or pollotarian lifestyle when I am done with this in a way that works for me. Almost done!!!! I am sure that I am not the only one who is ready to be completely done with this either, I just decided that I would tell you guys the truth with how I feel. Instead of being so informational all the time this is me and my life and how I think! :P

STATS: I am down to 116 (7.8 lbs total) and have not measured or taken pictures because I had duty and then I had Bible study and trying to do it on a weekday is not so good for me so I will update on Saturday morning with pictures and measurements.

Have a good day!!!!