January 18, 2015

1/2 way through Body Beast Results

So here I am at the halfway point of Body Beast and I had to give my measurements to my coach and take my pictures. I can say that I am really excited about sharing them because 6 weeks of progress has been AMAZING! I have been eating as healthy as I can I didn't drink and ditched the candy for Jan and the compound effect is literally in effect. 

I started Body Beast because of the ease of the workouts I mean you can't be getting some muscles with 50 min or less workouts and most of them being less that 40 minutes in length. I have time to spend with my children and I am not trying to fit in an hour. I have that time but I have other things that I would like to do as well. Anyway I started Body Beast at 134 and I am now 129. I have lost about 8 inches in total mostly in my hips and thighs (I am also recovering from pregnancy as I am 7 months post.) There has not been a change in my arms other than they are getting more defined. I am going to show you all a side view of my belly because seriously I don't like the front of my stomach it's just ew. HA HA HA I have come to terms with it for me but not for the world to see. 

I am thankful that despite me not always trusting the process I stuck with the program and as much as I wanted to do cardio to "help" with the weight loss and faster progress with me I didn't do it. I decided to trust this process completely and to see where it has taken me and here are the results. I couldn't be more excited and I feel AWESOME THIS is MINE after birthing 3 children. It takes dedication and it takes persistence but YOU CAN DO IT TOO!


January 14, 2015

Motivation. Where do I get that?

I was talking to a friend of mine today and she was telling me about her motivation for getting back on track to be healthy and live a healthier lifestyle. I am not going to call her out on my blog but it wasn't what a regular person would do. Many times I see people post pictures of this model body of a woman with 6 pack abs and a photo-shopped photo shoot ready body of a woman. I think it's great and to each is own and if that is what motivates you than WONDERFUL!

What I sought out was someone who had the same body type that I had that gained the weight in the way that I did and looked like me in their before picture. 

You see, I was a stick thin 5'3 98 pound person before i had children my body never saw anything over 103 until I got pregnant so the body that I had after children was new and I didn't know if I could get it back to what I had before. 

Over time and lots of late evenings I would go through youtube and blogs to read many peoples transformation to a healthy life. I was motivated but it only lasted a little while because I couldn't connect with the transformation if that makes sense. Until one night, I was on youtube and there she was. 

The person that had my body currently and the one that had my body when she was done and I was convinced and motivated to do work. I watched the video several times and saw that she did P90X and that she too left that crap on the shelf collecting dust like I did. When I bought it, it wasn't for me but for my husband who wanted to do the program and I was scared as hell of that workout but I started it the very next morning. 

I didn't know what the hell I was coming up against and had NO CLUE as to how sore I would be but I did it. I missed a few workouts and did 20 min of the vinyasas and the balance poses for yoga day and I didn't eat perfect but I got results. I did something I stuck with it and when I lost my motivation I watched that youtube video again and got all pumped because I only had ________ days until I was done and I would get results like her too.

The point is, is that you should find something that MOTIVATES YOU. That speaks to you personally. If it really is that picture of that photoshopped chick on the magazine cover than awesome but if it doesn't speak to you than try to look inside you and find WHY it is that you want to lose weight and go from there. For me, I just wanted ME back the ME that had no body issues who had no clue what bloated or I feel so fat meant. I wanted to go back to the chick that just felt good about herself all the time and I found that after my transformation. I am in the midst of completing my third workout program with Beachbody and I can say that I can complete them because I know my why and I know what I want to get out of this journey and if you know that my friends the rest is just showing up and knowing exactly why you are there in the first place. 

January 11, 2015

Body Beast Week 4-5

I have not written much.....life has been hectic to say the least and like many of you I am thankful for the rest during the holidays but I am SO glad that it is over! I can concentrate on getting balance again. Well.......more balance than before. My daughter is 7 months old today and balance has not really been in the forefront in our home and the holidays threw us for a loop as well. BALANCE is that too much to ask for? Sometimes I think that it is.

Week 4 and 5 of Body Beast were pretty much me figuring out where I was with the weights and feeling comfortably uncomfortable there. Week 5 was a tough week for me mentally because I saw a ton of change in week 3 and I feel like I don't see any progress and I got frustrated but still push through even though I didn't give my all to a few of the workouts. I did them, I lifted heavy, but because my mind was off in "this shit isn't working land" I didn't feel that great about week 5. I think I remember going through the same thing when I was doing P90X. Realistically I just hit the 30 day mark so seeing changes that early is huge. I still have 7 weeks to go so there is still a ton of room for change.

As far as my diet goes it has been 80/20 even though I feel like I was 50/50. CONFESSION: I had pizza 2 times in one week. Probably why I have been beating myself up for the past couple of days. My excuse for eating pizza for those days......I wanted it and I was tired of cooking 2 meals per meal a day. My kids eat one way and my husband and I eat another to say I was TIRED of cooking was an understatement. I was also battling one heck of a cold. I was worn the heck out. I don't feel guilty about eating it that shhhhh was good! but.....I know it may have hindered my results. I am not naive :)

So that is pretty much it. I took pictures for my challenge group but I am not willing to share those. Once I take some that are decent I will post my day 1 and current so you all can see progress because heck isn't that what you read this stuff for? I know I do. I want to know and see the changes that a particular program is about. To date i have not had any other results on the scale or on the tape measure other than feeling  strong and having a mostly positive outlook on my body and being healthy overall. :)