May 1, 2012


I have not always been a fan of exercise. When I was younger I didn't have too. I could eat what I wanted and I didn't gain a thing even though I REALLY wanted too. Then I went into the Army and turned into a bad ass workout junkie because I HAD to! It's all good though I didn't mind at all I got paid to be in shape. 

THEN I had kids.......I am definitely taking my workouts more serious now that I have had enough with my baby belly and I am so bored here in Kodiak that I decided that I could keep gaining weight or I could lose it so I opted to lose and be the best me that I could be. 

So how do you turn that light bulb on? I don't know what you have to do but it has to come within you. When you exercise it HAS to be something that YOU enjoy doing. Don't follow a trend. If you like dancing find a dance class or a dance DVD or throw on the Wii. If you prefer something low impact than go walking or do yoga. At the end of the day you have to do something that you ENJOY. Working out shouldn't be a chore it should be something that you enjoy. I started out with running because the Army made me, when i was losing weight on my own I did the elliptical at the gym and used the Body for Life Women book (I felt silly carrying it with me in the gym) and I did the exercises as described and I learned the principles of weight lifting and I was hooked. I have tried many things hiking, rollerblading, walking, running, Zumba, P90X, Taebo, The firm, Brooke Burke. I have done many it's trial and error and you have to figure out what fills your workout happy tank! 

I would suggest thought at least 45-60 minutes and at least have 3 days of some type of weight lifting in there. Don't be scared it won't make you look like a bodybuilder. You have to work out a specific way and eat a certain way to gain they type of body. :) I know.......because I am a personal trainer

Until next time........


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