April 25, 2013

Day 8 & 9 Ultimate Reset

Well I can say that I believe that the reset is MAGIC and I love almost everything about it. Today was a really hard day for me, I really wanted to eat normal food and I felt like a bit of an outcast today and I literally have had ENOUGH with the salads already and wish they would re-vamp their lunch menu.

While I do understand that it is easier and more convenient to make it is really really LAME. I am all about being brutally honest and even though I am a coach and I love Beachbody products overall I really have to stay real on this blog. I will continue to as well. I really miss eating like a "normal person" and no-bake energy balls are my current NEED right now. ha ha Who would have thought that overall. It's all good I am glad that healthy is what I am craving.

Before I go through all my stats of the first week. I wanted to take a minute to explain this week. I am in what is called the Release phase of the Reset now. I take a Detox supplement and now my diet has NO meat in it at all and the grains are VERY limited. Yesterday it made my lower tummy feel funny but I guess it was because I introduced something new but it's cool it passed after a little bit and it wasn't pain it just felt weird. That's all I can really explain. The detox phase does not have you running to the bathroom and I have not noticed a real big difference in the bathroom if you know what I mean. :) I keep forgetting to take pictures of my food but really I am eating the same breakfast and lunch every day a bowl of fruit and then a salad for lunch. I will try to be more mindful of taking pictures of my food for you all to see.

On to the stats......... I forgot my measurements at work in my other notebook but I lost 6 inches overall and here we go!

6.4 pounds lost!

More definition for sure!
I can truly say that I am happy with the results and even though I am SICK and TIRED of the microgreen salad and I will not eat a salad for lunch for awhile in the future I am glad that I am going through this journey and I am SO happy that I made the investment in this product because it is changing me from the inside out! My mood is so much better, I am sleeping better, and I am a more patient person, I am more focused on the things that I need to do and I am less stressed.

It has been nice to take a break from the workouts but I can feel that I am still strong and will be just fine once I am all done with the Reset.

If you want to see more of what the Ultimate Reset is about check out this video!

If you are interested in purchasing the reset you can order it here.

Until next time!!!!



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