February 13, 2013

Why it has to come to an end

Being at my challenge group training this weekend really opened my eyes to a lot of things. Since I have started training for a competition a number of things have happened.

I started training in December and it was really on a whim, I am a girl that totally does these things. Act now deal with the consequences later, yup that would be me. Ever since I have started in December the Money Monster has come and bit me in the rear end. With competiting I knew that there was money involved I just didn't realize how much! Long story short I have been dead broke and giving my money away to competition. My grocery bill also went up to about double because I have been eating out my fridge every week which is a good thing but one thing at a time you know?

I have been praying for God to give me direction on where I wanted to go with my life. I wanted to know if Beachbody, Photography, or just the Guard was my answer I was ready and willing to take whatever he gave me. So in the past thirty days my business has been booming and I can't be any happier. I am a true beliver that God will work in a way that he sends you signs and you just have to be willing to see them. My sign was this YOUARE BROKE AND YOUR BUSINESS IS STARTING TO TAKE OFF. I made it to Pittsburg in the midst of a blizzard and made it back home in time for work. It dawned on me the morning after I got to Pittsburg. The reason I am there is the way that I need to go. Some of you may think it's crazy but here's the thing I believe it and that is all that matters.

In December I also made a vision board and as you can see a fitness competition was NOT even on my vision board.....it's not something that I REALLY wanted to do. I wanted to take this year to travel with my husband and to see family and to save the money to do that.

So where am I going with this? Well, I am going to quit the competition because it doesn't align with my goals or my wallet. Competing has a heft price tag that I am not willing to give away. I have other things that I want to do with my time and money. In addition to that while the CSF meal plan is AMAZING I found myself getting overly obsessive about the food I ate and felt bad if I ate some popcorn in the evening and was always left with guilt. It was not something that was worth me worrying over. I am truly happy with my size and my weight and love being in "maintenence" mode. NOW wanna hear something crazy and which is another SIGN that was shown to me;

While I was at Kati's house this weekend she told me that Body Beast (a Beachbody workout) was hosting a fitness competition in Las Vegas and it is 1.) Free and 2.) I don't have to buy an expensive $200 bathing suit to participate. All I have to do is pay for airfare and a hotel room for the evening. If that isn't a sign.......wait a minute Jesus you are telling me that I can prosper in my business, use own of my products that cost me $68 for three months versus $79/ month plus $1500-$2000 to compete and do it for about $400 total......I think I am going to think about this. In the mean time I am going to order Body Beast and keep competition on the side burner and see what happens, if I don't compete at least I can look like a competition girl for less money and on my terms.......