February 8, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme

SO, I totally bought into the hype and ordered the 21 Day Fix Extreme program. I didn't do the 21 Day Fix ever really. I bought it and it sat on my shelf because I was pregnant and then I had diastisis recti and was waiting for that to calm down and then Body Beast came into play.

**REAL MOMENT** I only lost 4 pounds on Body Beast and I have lost a bunch of inches but I was REALLY bulking. My arms were growing and so were my legs and while I was losing inches I wasn't really digging the look that Body Beast was giving me. I didn't like it because my goal since I have had my baby was to get back into my old clothes.

I had a hard time with Body Beast and the lack of results that I wanted despite knowing the type of program I was doing and was sad that I wasn't getting what I wanted even though the workouts were less than an hour and were still tough........

Bring in 21 Day Fix Extreme. I have hit a plateau, I have done everything from eating paleo and very strict paleo to heal my gut and did the Beast. I have also gone to the doctor and got my thyroid checked, changed my birth control, and my weight has moved so it has not been for a lack of trying and seeing if it was something hormonal that was going on. I even gave up candy successfully when I took on my paleo lifestyle and made it a permanent fixture in my life. So here I am with a struggle to find a solution as to why this is happening so the last thing I could think of to hit this plateau was portion control.......maybe if I give my body that kick in the butt it needs and still do it paleo style I will be able to get rid of this weight and inches that are lingering.

The premise of the 21 day fix is obviously portion control. So I am at the lowest calorie bracket, I upped it one more so that I could adjust to the eating and the last 2 weeks I will bring myself down. With going up one bracket I only add a fruit, carb, veg and 2 tsp of cooking fats I don't see it as that big of a deal because I am going to do it the paleo way so the calorie count will still be low. If I gt hungry I will snack on more vegetables like carrots and that will also add for crunch as well.

I am going to blog every day and take pictures of all my food to keep me accountable and hopefully to encourage people out there to lead a healthy lifestyle and get ideas of what someone eating paleo and trying to heal their gut is trying to achieve this. We shall see how it goes. Tomorrow is day 1.


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