August 21, 2012

Brazil Butt Lift Challenge Group!

Helping people is one of the things that I love to do. There is nothing like the feeling that you have CHANGED yourself in a way that YOU can change. There is nothing in the world like confidence and pride especially when you have done something as drastic as changing your whole body. For that reason I am going to host another BOMBSHELL Brazil Butt Lift Challenge!On 9/10.

It will be 60 days in length for you to finish it and along the way you will receive a private Facebook group for motivation, a meal plan that is made to the foods that you enjoy, and a killer body when you are done your transformation! If you live in the Cape Cod area I will also give my challengers a free BOMBSHELL photo shoot after the 60 day challenge!

Support is what is always missing when one is trying to lose weight and that is what I want to provide and more. It isn't going to be easy but it is totally going to be WORTH IT! I look forward to hearing from you so that together we can make your dreams come true! 

Email me if you would like more information or would like to sign up!I only have 5 spots and they always go FAST as I post my challenges on facebook too!

Take care of you!!!!!


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