August 24, 2012

Being Healthy is TOUGH

I was reading somewhere that Gwen Stefani said that being skinny and fit is torture. I truly think that it can be and I 100% agree with her. Losing weight and eating healthy is something that we don't all learn to do right. So we have to change everything about us and we don't exactly know important eating is in our life. I mean we eat 3-6 times a day some even more. Eating is the center of our lives we do it ALL the time.

If you have never exercised either it can also be a foreign. I mean who REALLY wants to get up and run if when you start you are going to be huffing and puffing and not being able to make it down the street. Or you had the intention of running and all you can do is walk. It makes you feel like a failure or it can bring out the famous BEAST mode! I know though that even if BEAST mode is turned on there is a little bit of doubt in regards to failure.

That the thing though, it's so EASY to gain weight all you have to do is eat and eat and eat. It requires no real effort just hand to mouth and that's it. It's easy to do the easy right? Well the easy is unhealthy and will lead you to a ton of health problems.

So here is something that I always heard from different successful people. In order to do something and be successful at it you have to be uncomfortable. That means running until you are huffing and puffing and then walking and knowing that every single day that goes by you are going to get better, you are going to do better and you will BE better. You HAVE to make yourself uncomfortable to ensure that you will NEVER go back to the place that you were in. You have to torture yourself ok not really but you have to be in pain, you have to talk about what is bothering you and come to terms as to why you have gotten yourself to where you have good or bad, recognize it and own it. Move forward and don't move backward. Change is uncomfortable but eventually like anythin you will get used it, and will have to make yourself uncomfortable again.


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