August 9, 2012

Sleep and weight

I have been thinking of things to blog about and for awhile I have come to a blank slate....writers block I guess.

I started trying to get up at 4:50 in the morning to get my workouts in because now I am getting half of it done at lunch and the other half hour done right after I get home from work or all of it when I get home from work because sometimes 1/2 an hour is not enough time. The Mother in me feels guilty because I am missing out on time with my baby boy and then dinner happens, clean up and bloop it's time for showers and bed time. So that half an hour feels like a lot on the grand scheme of things when really I know that it's not THAT big of a deal. Well, my days are pretty much packed (I know this is an excuse) Here is my day...

5:30 5:45 - wake up and wash up
5:45 - 6:30 - cook C's grilled cheese, make my b-fast and sometimes lunch.
6:30-6:45 - feed C, maybe give him a bath if he peed in bed and get him dressed.
6:50 - 7:30 - Get C to school and get hubs and I to work
7:30-11:30 work
11:30-1:00 Lunch and 30 minute workout
1:00 - 4:00 Work
4:00-4:30 travel home and get C
4:45 get home, change 30 minute workout dinner shower bath for C then have him off to bed at 8:00.
8-10 chillax time sometimes bed by 9:30

So anyway, I started reading up on sleep and weight loss/gain to try and justify my not wanting to wake up in the mornings.

Here is what I read in summary.....

If you don't sleep well you get lazy and being lazy and sleepy causes you to do a number of things including;

getting sugary snacks, drinking more coffee, skipping a workout because you are too tired, getting take out because you don't FEEL like cooking etc.

“It’s not so much that if you sleep, you will lose weight, but if you are sleep-deprived, meaning that you are not getting enough minutes of sleep or good quality sleep, your metabolism will not function properly,” (Web M. D.)

This seems to be me. Sleepy = lazy in my life and that is not how I want to be. Thinking about it now I am super energetic and more patient after I have completed my afternoon while I feel a little bit guilty, having a little bit of me time in the afternoon seems to work in my favor.

I think that for now (even though I don't want to lose any weight) I will keep to my 1/2 and 1/2 workouts because I would rather give up half an hour than to be an unproductive lethargic Mom to my kiddo and husband they deserve to see the best in me as often as they can and I owe that to myself as well.

One day soon I will find balance with everything and it will all fall into place, but for now the more I think about it this is what seems to work for me.


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