January 14, 2014

Turkey sausage, pepper, and potatoe

There are times when I cook dinner and I come up with a recipe well, not really I scour the internet for something and then make it my own or put my own spin on it. That's pretty much how I cook. I love mixing flavors and trying new things. Sometimes it doesn't work out but more often than not BAM I make my husband happy and as a chick who cooks healthy and can make her husband happy then you know very well that you have hit the jackpot right?!?!?! 

Photo courtesy of Hillshire Farms

So here it is! 

Turkey Keilbasa (the whole thing)
1 green pepper
1 red pepper
Garlic minced (as much as you would like) 
2 tsp Cajun seasoning
2-3 potatoes depending on the size

I first boil the potatoes. Once those are done I slice the turkey keilbasa and the vegetables. I get the keilbasa going and then throw the peppers in and lastly the potatoes and seasoning with garlic. I toss that around and put it on low heat and let all the flavors meld together. After about 8-10 minutes I take it out and BLOOP you have a one bowl meal! I loved it and I will def add it to my rotation. I mean, it's not the HEALTHIEST thing that you could eat but if you want to make it healthier you can add some real turkey sausage in there or add chicken to it and you should be pretty golden!

I hope you enjoy!!!!


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