October 28, 2012

Whew what a week!

Did you ever have one of those weeks that no matter what you do, you just never ever have enough time? That was this week for me! Monday was pretty lame it was just a Monday. Tuesday I had a physical that I have to do yearly and I fasted for guess what? An HIV test. I was totally livid about that but what could I do? I thought I was going to go through some glucose or whatever testing and well NO. Then Wednesday I had duty, that's where I stay at work for 24 hours to basically babysit but whatever. Some important people came to work and I had to get everything ready for them so no chance to workout that day. That was okay with me for that one time because I was totally into reading the Hunger Games series so it was cool. I rarley workout on those days where I have to stay at work so I wasn't that let down. Thursday was supposed to be my Bible Study but they cancelled which was okay too because I was feeling SO behind by then. Friday was a rush and yesterday was the first day that I felt like I could breathe. I had a Superhero 5K this morning and I took the family with me so they could watch me run and my kid blew chunks EVERYWHERE it just wouldn't stop! What a mess that was! I was almost late but my wonderful hubs took care of the kiddo so that I could run and get my $35 worth of RUN lol.

Les Mills Pump was a bust so I am starting week three over again. Yesterday I ran 8.1 miles in 1 hour and 10 minutes I think? I also ran my 5K in 25.31 I placed 18th in my age group which was pretty cool. I was pretty proud of myself for that.

The race was really cool! It was my first official race in the United States and my first race in Boston! I had a blast. Everyone came in costume and it was nice to see the creativity of these folks because I thought super hero and just thought of Superman and Spiderman so there were so many people out there with SO many different costumes and some didn't dress as a superhero either so that was cool too. I didn't really do much but wear a cape ha ha but whatever I was really there to enjoy my first race! There were people on the sides of the street cheering us all on and giving out high fives to racers, it was a great environment to be in and has me really excited to run my Princess Half Marathon! Well that pretty much summed up my weekend but here are some pictures I took of my kiddo that you may enjoy :D


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