October 9, 2012

What a wonderful day!!!!!!

What a wonderful day today was! Especially for today being my Monday. I went to work and I had nothing to do, so that's always nice except for the fact that I had nothing to do ALLLLL DAY LONG so that made the day drag a bit. 

I went to the gym and I had the girl that I am training to get on the scale and she told me that she lost 5 pounds!!!!!!! In a WEEK! Now on a "normal" week (every week past the first 1-2 weeks) that would be TOO much but for the beginning phases oh man that is AMAZING! I couldn't be more proud!!! I was just amazed that this girl has it in her and I certainly hope that it stays that way because she is going to look DELICIOUS when she is done!!!! I can totally say that with confidence!!!!!

Well when I got home I had THIS placed ever so nicely at the door! WOO HOO LES MILLS PUMP! I have heard a lot of great things about this workout but not so many testimonials or before and after pictures SO I HAVE a **NEW** goal! I am going to be a success story damn it so tomorrow will be "pre-season" and I am going to test out the workouts make a meal plan and get started and take this workout serious and do my runs on M-W-F I think I will totally GOOD!!!! I am excited to see what is in store for my body! I am also going to make the videos for YouTube of me working out for now I am going to commit to 3 one on the beginning, middle, and end! So we will see. This will be the third workout that I have completed with Beachbody and I am sure it won't be the last but this is going to be my workout until Jan! I will post my before photos and then I will try and blog at least once a week about my workout experience and try to add some pictures to so that way I can stay accountable to myself :D

My third bit of great news came in the mail today too! Ha ha I got my Baptism Certificate along with some pictures! How great is that? I didn't even think that I would get a certificate! It is going to go up right by my diplomas once I get them up whenever that may be! It is definitely an achievement for me. My life has seriously changed so much since I have allowed God to work in my life!I thought it was really nice for them to think of each and every one of us and totally go out of their way to do this! It was really nice and put a huge smile on my face! I am really excited!

Well the hubbs is now pumpkin carving and I totally ditched him to write this post so I am going to go ahead and wrap this up give my kiddo a bath and get ready for some Sons of Anarchy! LOVE LOVE LOVE that show.......it's getting a bit off track so I am hoping it comes back around. I like it either way :D Who am I kidding!


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