February 9, 2014

Where do you find the time?

It's a question that I am asked often when it comes to fitting in my workouts. My answer, I do it when I can but make sure I get it done that day.

I used to have a set time to workout but I have not yet found my groove at my current duty station so things switch around. I love waking up in the morning and getting my workout knocked out and I would LOVE to do that but at this time my pregnant behind would have to wake up at 4:30 just to get the workout it and that would mean sacrificing family time by going to bed at 7. So, I now either workout during my lunch break (my job gives me 90 min) or right after work. Since I am doing Chalean Extreme the 30 minutes of quiet time after work to get my workout in really works for me and on the weekends I do my workout 1 hour after eating breakfast whenever it is that I wake up and actually get to it so it's anywhere between 9-11 in the mornings.

I have a few tips that may help you find your groove to finding time to get your workout in.

Write out your schedule - List everything that you do so that you can see what your day looks like.

Look for an open spot - Look for an open spot in your schedule if it is something like TV time or quiet time maybe try adding your workout in there giving up 30-60 minutes of your TV time to change your life is totally worth it.

Schedule your workout - Fit the time in for your workout and make it non-negotiable NO IF AND OR BUTS it is your workout time unless something comes up like a vacation, a sick child, you are sick, or something else that can deter you. It becomes your job your workout is something that you HAVE to do because you HAVE to take care of your body and health.

Have a back-up plan - Things happen we all know this life waits for no one so always have a plan B in mind. If I know that I can't workout at 5 PM than I make the time during lunch to workout or I will get up in the morning to get it done or switch my rest day if neither works out with my daily things to do that day or I just cancel on my girls night out but that would probably be when trying to lose this baby weight ha ha!

If you want to succeed than you will do what you have to do to make things work. You would take another shift at work just to get some extra cash to make ends meet or for some Christmas money think of your workout in that way. It is something that you have to do and is a component of a healthy lifestyle.

How bad do you want it and how far are you willing to go to go get it? Maybe you should revisit your goals and why you started this healthy lifestyle and relight your fire to get there.


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