February 16, 2013

Ever feel like this?

I felt like this before I started P90X. I had been to the gym and did great workouts and then I just plateaued. I got really tired and knew that I had to do better and to get better I needed to change things up. The problem was I didn't really know how. Like you maybe I bought P90X after my son and then let it sit in the closet for almost 3 years before I even glanced at it. 

I said "It's too hard." "It's scary" "I will never look like that." "I don't want to get too bulky." Well, one night before I went to bed I got all caught up on YouTube, I mean who doesn't right? ha ha ha and before I knew it I was looking up P90X transformations (I LOVE watching any kind of weight loss transformation) and I saw a girls on there who had a similar body frame to mine. I watched the video a few times and out of the blue contacted her and told her that her video motivated me and that I was going to start doing it. By looking at her video and her body frame I now had an idea of what I was possibl going to look like at the end of all this....so there I went on my journey. Did I mention that I work full time, my husband was deployed for 4 months, so that left me as a single Momma. The journey began I was going to look like the girl on YouTube and surprise my husband with a new body when he got back from Japan. 

Let me tell you that shhh was not EASY! It was hard and I skipped like 3 workouts, and Yoga was the darn Devil! No kidding. I skipped meals, I over ate sometimes, but I knew that I had a goal in mind and I was going to get there. I did it P90X for three whole months. Some days I hated Tony Horton and other days he was my boyfriend and I loved what he was doing for my body. I didn't have a support group like the ones that I am running now and I seriously wish that I did because I wouldn't have skipped the workouts and I would have done WAY better with Yoga if I had someone to keep accountable to. SO the 90 days came and they went and I was down from a sz 8-10 to a sz 4 and I lost 10 inches and 10 pounds from the whole 90 days. Yes, it can be done! 

Throughout the whole thing I became a coach and now I want to pay it forward and help you on your journey and be the support that you need in order to get to your goals.  


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